It's Wednesday, which means Cameron went to nursery school this morning. He was very excited to go and I was excited to enjoy 2 hours of quiet time at home. Cory was home this morning as he is still on night shifts but he actually slept until it was time for me to go pick Cameron up. Cameron made a caterpillar at school today, which he was very proud of. I also learned that they are making cupcakes at nursery school next week, which is great because I'm the parent helper next week. I love cupcakes!
Cameron also slept until 8am this morning which was awesome. I'm sure it was because I didn't put him to bed until 10pm last night. He was being good so I let him stay up. He sat on the couch with me last night and asked me to do the teddy bear in the garden (you know, 'round and 'round the garden, I lost my teddy bear...). So we did that multiple times and then moved onto This Little Piggy for a while. Then I was just running my fingers through his hair and it really needs to be cut. Cameron then requested I comb his hair so I got the comb and he then sat on my knee while I combed his hair for 45 minutes. At one point I was sure he was going to fall asleep. So, I'm thinking maybe I should take the comb on the airplane next week in case he needs to be relaxed.
Speaking of next week, we've now only got 8 more sleeps until we're in PEI. This time next week, we'll actually be en route to Saskatoon. Our flight leaves out of Saskatoon next Thursday morning at 7:30am so we're staying in Saskatoon the night before so that we'll hopefully get some sleep. I've been trying to think of things I can take for Cameron on the airplane to try to keep him occupied. I've thought of many things but I'm just worried that he won't be interested in anything I bring. I'm thinking it might be a very long trip to PEI.
I was very excited for supper this evening because I was making meatballs. Everything was going great during my whole supper cooking process until I was doing the dishes and I managed to slice my little finger with a knife when I put my hand in sink. UGH! It's not a bad cut, just more like a really nasty paper cut. Every time I think about how I cut my finger, I shiver and feel nauseous. It was just such a yucky feeling, blech! Anyway, Cory put a band-aid on my boo boo and I'm fine now...although, it is wreaking some havoc on my typing skills.
Well, I really don't have much news today. I suppose I'll finish cleaning up our supper dishes and settle in to watch my Wednesday night TV...Bones, Glee, CSI: NY, and Mercy. What would I ever do without my TV shows...LOL!
Until next time...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Possible transfer in the somewhat near future
So, after much deliberation and research, Cory has decided to apply for a transfer to a limited duration posting (LDP) in SK. For those who thought Sturgis was an undesirable place to be posted, well we'll likely be going somewhere much, much worse.
We had originally thought about doing to the Northwest Territories but that would be a 5 year committment that we decided we weren't willing to do. So, then we seriously thought we'd like to go to Nunavut and we were happy with that decision and it's only a 2 year committment. However, after weighing the pros and cons we have decided the best option would be to go to a 2 year LDP in SK.
There are various benefits to going to this type of posting including financial benefits, experience and it should guarantee Cory's releasability from SK when his LDP is completed. Going to an LDP won't guarantee Cory a specific posting but it should help to get us back to the Maritimes upon completion. There is government housing in these type of postings so we would rent one of them and hopefully, it won't take long to sell our house if we do get a transfer. So, Cory got the list of all the 2 year LDP's and I started looking them all up on the map and online to see what I could find out about these communities. Cory also asked his Sgt. for his opinion and we finally made a list of 4 places that we are most interested in going. We picked Ile-a-la-Crosse, La Loche, Sandy Bay and Wollaston Lake. Wollaston Lake is a fly-in only posting but all of the rest have roads into them.
So, now we're just playing the waiting game to see if there are or if there are going to be any openings at any of the places that we picked. There are quite a few 2 year LDP's that we wouldn't even consider going to because they are much too rough and we wouldn't take Cameron there. Our plan is to hopefully be transferred sometime within the next 6 months and that should hopefully guarantee that we'd be transferred out before Cameron has to start school. I will likely have to home school him for kindergarten but I really want him to be able to start grade 1 in a school.
I'll keep you updated on this whole process. Of course, anything could happen and we might end up just staying where we're at...who knows.
We had originally thought about doing to the Northwest Territories but that would be a 5 year committment that we decided we weren't willing to do. So, then we seriously thought we'd like to go to Nunavut and we were happy with that decision and it's only a 2 year committment. However, after weighing the pros and cons we have decided the best option would be to go to a 2 year LDP in SK.
There are various benefits to going to this type of posting including financial benefits, experience and it should guarantee Cory's releasability from SK when his LDP is completed. Going to an LDP won't guarantee Cory a specific posting but it should help to get us back to the Maritimes upon completion. There is government housing in these type of postings so we would rent one of them and hopefully, it won't take long to sell our house if we do get a transfer. So, Cory got the list of all the 2 year LDP's and I started looking them all up on the map and online to see what I could find out about these communities. Cory also asked his Sgt. for his opinion and we finally made a list of 4 places that we are most interested in going. We picked Ile-a-la-Crosse, La Loche, Sandy Bay and Wollaston Lake. Wollaston Lake is a fly-in only posting but all of the rest have roads into them.
So, now we're just playing the waiting game to see if there are or if there are going to be any openings at any of the places that we picked. There are quite a few 2 year LDP's that we wouldn't even consider going to because they are much too rough and we wouldn't take Cameron there. Our plan is to hopefully be transferred sometime within the next 6 months and that should hopefully guarantee that we'd be transferred out before Cameron has to start school. I will likely have to home school him for kindergarten but I really want him to be able to start grade 1 in a school.
I'll keep you updated on this whole process. Of course, anything could happen and we might end up just staying where we're at...who knows.
Wow, it was chilly today!
I couldn't believe how cold it was in the house this morning. It was all of about 3 degrees outside when Cameron and I got up this morning. We had to turn on the furnace for the first time in months. I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later though. Cameron was even cold enough that he agreed to wear both a shirt and a pair of pants. Although, the pants didn't last the entire day but the shirt did.
Cory worked late last night of course, so Cameron and I cuddled up in the living room for the better part of the morning. Cameron has watched Transformers at least 20 times and I finally watched it from start to finish for the first time. I thought I better watch it since Transformers 2 will be out on dvd in another month.
We only got 10 more sleeps until we're in PEI and I still have nothing ready or even remotely organized for our trip. I've been struggling with what to take on the airplane to occupy Cameron. I really need to figure something out soon though in case I need to make a trip to Yorkton to get anything.
Cameron asked for ice cream this evening which I agreed to because he actually ate all of his supper without coaxing. When he was finished with the ice cream he had it everywhere of his hair, all over his face, hands, arms and even down the backs of legs. So, into the shower he went. The boy seriously loves the shower...he was in there for about 40 minutes tonight. He managed to keep most of the water in the shower but the bath mat was a little wet. His hands and feet and fingers and toes were extremely wrinkly, which Cameron found very entertaining. I tried to get a good picture of his wrinkly hands but it turned into more a game of Cameron running from the camera instead.
Cory worked late last night of course, so Cameron and I cuddled up in the living room for the better part of the morning. Cameron has watched Transformers at least 20 times and I finally watched it from start to finish for the first time. I thought I better watch it since Transformers 2 will be out on dvd in another month.
We only got 10 more sleeps until we're in PEI and I still have nothing ready or even remotely organized for our trip. I've been struggling with what to take on the airplane to occupy Cameron. I really need to figure something out soon though in case I need to make a trip to Yorkton to get anything.
Cameron asked for ice cream this evening which I agreed to because he actually ate all of his supper without coaxing. When he was finished with the ice cream he had it everywhere of his hair, all over his face, hands, arms and even down the backs of legs. So, into the shower he went. The boy seriously loves the shower...he was in there for about 40 minutes tonight. He managed to keep most of the water in the shower but the bath mat was a little wet. His hands and feet and fingers and toes were extremely wrinkly, which Cameron found very entertaining. I tried to get a good picture of his wrinkly hands but it turned into more a game of Cameron running from the camera instead.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Not much new but here I go anyway
I've been getting almost daily inquiries from a certain someone about whether I've updated my blog. So, although I really don't have much to say today I'm posting anyway. Of course, I'm never usually at a loss for words so I'm sure I'll think of something to say.
Let me see...Well, today was another very lazy day. The weather was crappy...overcast, raining, windy...a typical fall day in Saskatchewan. We've been pretty spoiled with the beautiful weather we've been having but I think it's safe to say that the beautiful weather is GONE. I even convinced Cameron to put clothes on today because it is considerably cooler in the house. However, I must add that he definitely didn't leave the clothes on all day. Gradually, they all came off except the underwear.
I spent the better part of the morning trying to keep Cameron occupied and quiet because Cory didn't get home from work until 6:30am. They had a pretty busy and somewhat eventful night. Cory actually tasered a "gentleman" last night, which was necessary but of course led to an enormous amount of paperwork. Hopefully, he won't have any extremely late nights for the rest of this week of nights because it is very difficult to keep Cameron for an extended period of time.
Well, that's all of I can think of to say. Like I said we had another very lazy day so I really don't have any news. Plus, I tired and I don't want to think's hurts. So, I'm off to lay on the couch and watch some tv...if I can even find something to watch.
Until next time...
Let me see...Well, today was another very lazy day. The weather was crappy...overcast, raining, windy...a typical fall day in Saskatchewan. We've been pretty spoiled with the beautiful weather we've been having but I think it's safe to say that the beautiful weather is GONE. I even convinced Cameron to put clothes on today because it is considerably cooler in the house. However, I must add that he definitely didn't leave the clothes on all day. Gradually, they all came off except the underwear.
I spent the better part of the morning trying to keep Cameron occupied and quiet because Cory didn't get home from work until 6:30am. They had a pretty busy and somewhat eventful night. Cory actually tasered a "gentleman" last night, which was necessary but of course led to an enormous amount of paperwork. Hopefully, he won't have any extremely late nights for the rest of this week of nights because it is very difficult to keep Cameron for an extended period of time.
Well, that's all of I can think of to say. Like I said we had another very lazy day so I really don't have any news. Plus, I tired and I don't want to think's hurts. So, I'm off to lay on the couch and watch some tv...if I can even find something to watch.
Until next time...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Lazy day
Today was a pretty lazy day in the Dowling household. Cory and I spent much of the day trying to figure out our new camera and taking lots of pictures of Cameron. Cameron was more than happy to be our subject. It's funny because not so long ago he wasn't too keen on having his picture taken but now he's all over it. I'm hoping that we might be able to get a nice family picture when we are in PEI because it's been quite a while since we had one taken. We have to wait for the family picture until we're in PEI because Cameron is in desparate need of a haircut and I am in desparate need of a hair dye and a haircut.
I finally tried Cameron's winter outwear on him to see what he'll need for this winter and he'll definitely be in need a new snowsuit. I already gave away last years boots so I knew they'd definitely be needed. Tomorrow I'm hoping to try some of his clothes on him so that I know what to pack for our trip to PEI. A typical day for Cameron involves only wearing underwear and sometimes a t-shirt, so I'm not too sure how his pants fit. Hopefully, he'll be co-0perative for the whole process.
I guess I really don't have much exciting to say today but it is getting late so maybe I'm just tired. I should really go to bed and get a few hours sleep before Cory arrives home from work in the middle of the night and wakes me. He doesn't wake me on purpose but I always hear him. Plus, I'm left with the challenge for the next 5 mornings of trying to keep Cameron quiet and occupied so that Cory can sleep after working his night shifts.
Until next time...
I finally tried Cameron's winter outwear on him to see what he'll need for this winter and he'll definitely be in need a new snowsuit. I already gave away last years boots so I knew they'd definitely be needed. Tomorrow I'm hoping to try some of his clothes on him so that I know what to pack for our trip to PEI. A typical day for Cameron involves only wearing underwear and sometimes a t-shirt, so I'm not too sure how his pants fit. Hopefully, he'll be co-0perative for the whole process.
I guess I really don't have much exciting to say today but it is getting late so maybe I'm just tired. I should really go to bed and get a few hours sleep before Cory arrives home from work in the middle of the night and wakes me. He doesn't wake me on purpose but I always hear him. Plus, I'm left with the challenge for the next 5 mornings of trying to keep Cameron quiet and occupied so that Cory can sleep after working his night shifts.
Until next time...
Friday, September 25, 2009
I woke up this morning thankful that it was Friday. Not for the usual reason most people feel that way seeing as I'm unemployed. Well, I guess I work for Cameron but he doesn't pay me...he does reward me with many other things though. He was exceptionally entertaining today. He just did one funny thing after another all day many things that I honestly can't remember half of them. I think he was excited because Cory was coming home today. At one point in the afternoon, Cameron requested to go to Walmart to look at Batman toys and Transformers. I told him we'd see what Daddy said when he got home. To my surprise when Cory arrived home, once the initial excited passed after about 10 minutes, Cameron promptly made the same request to go to Walmart! He forgets nothing!
Cameron and I had a chat today about our upcoming trip to PEI. I thought it was time to tell him we'd be going on a trip to visit everyone again soon. Yesterday he looked at a picture of Nanny and Grampy and said, "This is my Nanny and Grampy...they're lost!" He followed up that comment with, "I want my dogs." I guess he remembers that we left Tully and Macy with Nanny and Grampy in PEI. I explained to Cameron that this time when we go to PEI that we're going on an airplane, seeing as the last 2 trips to PEI were made in the truck. He seemed a little confused about the idea of going to PEI in an airplane, maybe he thinks you have to drive there. It's been 18 months since his last plane ride so we're hoping he gets along okay...which I sure he will.
Cory had a surprise for me when he got home from Regina today...a new camera. Well, let's be honest it wasn't really a surprise because he actually called from the store and asked if he could buy it for me...LOL! He's been talking about a new camera and wanting to get one for months and months so I finally caved. This will be our Christmas gift this year but of course we're going to start using it right away. Christmas is all about Cameron anyway and at least we should have the new camera figured out by then to capture all those great moments over the Christmas holidays. It's a pretty fancy camera and I can't wait to figure out to use it.
I am extremely tired this evening. I stayed up way too late every night this past week watching all the very important TV shows that were on. It's not even 10pm and I'm seriously considering going to bed. However, I think Cory might sulk if I go to bed already...he's funny like that.
Until next time...
Cameron and I had a chat today about our upcoming trip to PEI. I thought it was time to tell him we'd be going on a trip to visit everyone again soon. Yesterday he looked at a picture of Nanny and Grampy and said, "This is my Nanny and Grampy...they're lost!" He followed up that comment with, "I want my dogs." I guess he remembers that we left Tully and Macy with Nanny and Grampy in PEI. I explained to Cameron that this time when we go to PEI that we're going on an airplane, seeing as the last 2 trips to PEI were made in the truck. He seemed a little confused about the idea of going to PEI in an airplane, maybe he thinks you have to drive there. It's been 18 months since his last plane ride so we're hoping he gets along okay...which I sure he will.
Cory had a surprise for me when he got home from Regina today...a new camera. Well, let's be honest it wasn't really a surprise because he actually called from the store and asked if he could buy it for me...LOL! He's been talking about a new camera and wanting to get one for months and months so I finally caved. This will be our Christmas gift this year but of course we're going to start using it right away. Christmas is all about Cameron anyway and at least we should have the new camera figured out by then to capture all those great moments over the Christmas holidays. It's a pretty fancy camera and I can't wait to figure out to use it.
I am extremely tired this evening. I stayed up way too late every night this past week watching all the very important TV shows that were on. It's not even 10pm and I'm seriously considering going to bed. However, I think Cory might sulk if I go to bed already...he's funny like that.
Until next time...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Clean, clean and clean some more
Today was a fun filled day of cleaning in the Dowling household...once I finally dragged my butt out of bed that is. I had trouble getting on the go this morning and I think it was because I had a full day of cleaning ahead of me. I did laundry, scrubbed the bathrooms, scrubbed the floors and vacuumed the whole house. I figured I better do something before Cory gets home tomorrow from Regina and wonders what we did here in Sturgis all week. Finally at 4pm today I quit cleaning the house and cleaned myself!
Now I just need to start de-cluttering and getting rid of some of our stuff. We have stuff that we haven't used since we moved here 18 months ago so I'm thinking we probably don't need it. I'm sure some of it can just go in the trash but I might have a garage sale. Of course, I have to convince Cory that a garage sale would be a good idea and that he should help me with it :D We'll see how that conversation goes on the weekend.
Cameron was his busy self today. He has so much energy, it's too bad he won't help with the cleaning...he just makes more mess instead. I clean the potty and put it away for good. He was a little shocked that he now has to use the toilet all the time and no longer has the choice of peeing in the living room or the's all happening in the bathroom from here on out kid! I also finally removed the diaper pail from the bathroom seeing as we haven't used it in months. All in all it was a pretty productive day and Cameron only had a few minor tantrums...nothing too serious.
I'm very busy this evening watching Grey's Anatomy...what a great show. I sent Cameron to our bedroom to watch tv while Grey's is on. He's been out to the living room many times to say hi and just make sure I'm still here I guess. He should really be in bed already but I think he can stay up until Grey's is over. If only he would sleep in a little when he is up later at night, but it's pretty unlikely.
That's all for now I guess :)
Now I just need to start de-cluttering and getting rid of some of our stuff. We have stuff that we haven't used since we moved here 18 months ago so I'm thinking we probably don't need it. I'm sure some of it can just go in the trash but I might have a garage sale. Of course, I have to convince Cory that a garage sale would be a good idea and that he should help me with it :D We'll see how that conversation goes on the weekend.
Cameron was his busy self today. He has so much energy, it's too bad he won't help with the cleaning...he just makes more mess instead. I clean the potty and put it away for good. He was a little shocked that he now has to use the toilet all the time and no longer has the choice of peeing in the living room or the's all happening in the bathroom from here on out kid! I also finally removed the diaper pail from the bathroom seeing as we haven't used it in months. All in all it was a pretty productive day and Cameron only had a few minor tantrums...nothing too serious.
I'm very busy this evening watching Grey's Anatomy...what a great show. I sent Cameron to our bedroom to watch tv while Grey's is on. He's been out to the living room many times to say hi and just make sure I'm still here I guess. He should really be in bed already but I think he can stay up until Grey's is over. If only he would sleep in a little when he is up later at night, but it's pretty unlikely.
That's all for now I guess :)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A Froot Loop Kind of Day
It's Wednesday and that means Cameron goes to nursery school for 2 hours in the morning and Mommy gets to relax in peace and quiet. In all honesty, I was actually kind of bored while he was gone this morning and I kept looking up to see what he was doing but he wasn't was a little weird. However, Cameron had a great day at nursery school. Every week they make some kind of craft...week 1 was a puppet (which was destroyed before I got a picture of it), week 2 was a porcupine and today was a Froot Loop necklace. Cameron was very proud to be sporting his snazzy necklace when I picked him up today. He was so cute when we were leaving as he said, "Bye Ms. Reynolds" and waved on the way out the door. So needless to say, nursery school has turned out to be a big hit with Cameron. Here's a couple of pictures of his projects that survived long enough to actually get pictures of them (I learned my lesson after the puppet incident):

So, I will agree that the Froot Loop necklace was pretty cool but I've pretty much been walking on little pieces of Froot Loops all afternoon and evening. I guess the necklace may have to disappear when Cameron goes to bed tonight, otherwise I'll be vacuuming up Froot Loops for a week!
So, I will agree that the Froot Loop necklace was pretty cool but I've pretty much been walking on little pieces of Froot Loops all afternoon and evening. I guess the necklace may have to disappear when Cameron goes to bed tonight, otherwise I'll be vacuuming up Froot Loops for a week!
In other news, we've only got 2 more sleeps and then Cory will be home. Cameron's actually been dealing pretty well with Cory being gone. He tends to act out and do some crazy things when he doesn't see Daddy after a couple of days but the acting out has been kept to a minimum so far this week and we're over half way there. Of course, I may have jinxed myself by saying that. Also, we've only got 15 more sleeps until we're back in PEI again and we can't wait. It's too bad Cory can't stay as long as me and Cameron but at least we all get to go for a visit...oh, and we get to go a very important wedding in NS ;)
I suppose it's time to get Cameron ready for bed and then I can get settled in to watch some tv. It's been a very busy week for tv with so many season premieres this week!
Until next time...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Finally some quiet time for Mommy
Well, Cameron was a bit of a devil today. Of course, this is to be expected when Cory is gone on training. He also acts out at the end of Cory's week of day shifts because he doesn't get to spend as much time with him. Some days it can be pretty challenging but we always get through it. Since it was obvious first thing this morning that Cameron was going to a bit of a turkey today, I decided it was a good day for a trip into Yorkton. Besides, Cameron was requesting McDonald's and Walmart at 9am!
I managed to squeeze in my morning work-out with only a few minor interruptions from the little one before we got ready to go to Yorkton. We made the obligatory visit to Walmart where Cameron informed me he wanted to shop first and eat later. I'm sure we spent a good half hour or longer in the toy section before he was finally satisfied with yet another Transformer to torture me with. I suggested one of the cheaper ones and every time I do that I wish I'd spent the extra $5 for a Transformer that actually transforms with ease...*sigh*. We finally made it to McDonald's where Cameron all but inhaled his McNuggets and then we were off to Sobeys. Cameron was a little upset with the visit to Sobeys and he told me he didn't want to go in the "green" store even though I promised we'd only be a few minutes (I was just returning the chicken I bought last week that was actually bad). Anyway, he survived Sobeys although he did tell me he was "very sad" while we were in the store.
When we got home from Yorkton, Cameron was somewhat entertaining. He was referring to himself as Dr. Cameron and insisted that I call him that. It was pretty funny. He was also working on his own personal "knock, knock joke". Cameron: "Knock, knock", Mommy: "Who's there?", Cameron: "Cameron", Mommy: "Cameron who?", Cameron: "Cameron Dowling"...and he takes off running and laughing. I think that was the first time I actually heard him refer to himself as "Cameron Dowling"...he never uses his last name. Up until today, I was convinced that he really didn't know his last name. I guess the joke was on me.
Anyway, after many of the usual evening shenanigans, Cameron is finally sound asleep and I can get some quiet time :) I love him dearly but some days he really tires me out!
Until next time...
I managed to squeeze in my morning work-out with only a few minor interruptions from the little one before we got ready to go to Yorkton. We made the obligatory visit to Walmart where Cameron informed me he wanted to shop first and eat later. I'm sure we spent a good half hour or longer in the toy section before he was finally satisfied with yet another Transformer to torture me with. I suggested one of the cheaper ones and every time I do that I wish I'd spent the extra $5 for a Transformer that actually transforms with ease...*sigh*. We finally made it to McDonald's where Cameron all but inhaled his McNuggets and then we were off to Sobeys. Cameron was a little upset with the visit to Sobeys and he told me he didn't want to go in the "green" store even though I promised we'd only be a few minutes (I was just returning the chicken I bought last week that was actually bad). Anyway, he survived Sobeys although he did tell me he was "very sad" while we were in the store.
When we got home from Yorkton, Cameron was somewhat entertaining. He was referring to himself as Dr. Cameron and insisted that I call him that. It was pretty funny. He was also working on his own personal "knock, knock joke". Cameron: "Knock, knock", Mommy: "Who's there?", Cameron: "Cameron", Mommy: "Cameron who?", Cameron: "Cameron Dowling"...and he takes off running and laughing. I think that was the first time I actually heard him refer to himself as "Cameron Dowling"...he never uses his last name. Up until today, I was convinced that he really didn't know his last name. I guess the joke was on me.
Anyway, after many of the usual evening shenanigans, Cameron is finally sound asleep and I can get some quiet time :) I love him dearly but some days he really tires me out!
Until next time...
Monday, September 21, 2009
My very first blog entry!
Well, I often have so much to say so I've finally decided to start a blog. Unfortunately, some people may not find me as interesting as I think I am but then they just don't have to read this. LOL!
So many things happen each day that I don't always get to share with our friends and family or sometimes I just simply forget by the time I get to talk to them. My days are filled with so many ups and downs and twists and turns with Cameron basically running the house...Cory often misses out on some pretty interesting moments created by Cameron because he is working.
Cameron is just over 3 years old now and he amazes me more and more each day...often while driving me completely insane. He is a very smart and a very busy little boy. Over the past few months we have been seriously working on potty training. It was the week of his 3rd birthday that he finally agreed to the whole potty training process after we had made numerous attempts over the previous 6 months. I am pleased to say that we seem to have completed this process with flying colors. He did have a bit of a set back a few weeks ago but it didn't last too long. Cameron is quite amazed at the different "shapes" he makes in the toilet each day. We've had everything from snakes to worms to turtles to caterpillars...I kid you not, he comes up with this all on his own. I find it quite amusing while I suppose others may find it kind of disturbing.
Cameron has a wonderful imagination. He spends hours each week pretending to be various characters, superheros, animals or people. He uses his blankie for a cape. Actually, strangely enough this week he is pretending to be a vampire...I'm not 100% sure where he got it from though. I honestly can't sit through all the children's shows that he watches. Now Cory on the other hand, can watch most of these shows with Cameron.
Cameron and I are on our own this week while Cory is gone to Regina for training for work. Cory left last night and won't be home until Friday. I wonder how many times Cameron will ask where he is throughout the week? Many times, I'm sure. I used to find it quite challenging when Cory was gone on a course but Cameron and I are a little more used to it now and just make a new routine for while he's gone.
Today Cameron and I filled our day with various things. First of all we started our day at 6:15am...I was not impressed! I managed to catch a few more zzz's while Cameron watched some tv and played with his Transformers though. We made a puzzle, made various creatures with play-doh, went for a walk and played in the backyard. I guess I kept him busy enough today because he didn't put up a fight at bedtime which was nice.
Well, I suppose that's enough for tonight. I'm going to try to write at least a few times a long as I have something to write about.
Until next time...
So many things happen each day that I don't always get to share with our friends and family or sometimes I just simply forget by the time I get to talk to them. My days are filled with so many ups and downs and twists and turns with Cameron basically running the house...Cory often misses out on some pretty interesting moments created by Cameron because he is working.
Cameron is just over 3 years old now and he amazes me more and more each day...often while driving me completely insane. He is a very smart and a very busy little boy. Over the past few months we have been seriously working on potty training. It was the week of his 3rd birthday that he finally agreed to the whole potty training process after we had made numerous attempts over the previous 6 months. I am pleased to say that we seem to have completed this process with flying colors. He did have a bit of a set back a few weeks ago but it didn't last too long. Cameron is quite amazed at the different "shapes" he makes in the toilet each day. We've had everything from snakes to worms to turtles to caterpillars...I kid you not, he comes up with this all on his own. I find it quite amusing while I suppose others may find it kind of disturbing.
Cameron has a wonderful imagination. He spends hours each week pretending to be various characters, superheros, animals or people. He uses his blankie for a cape. Actually, strangely enough this week he is pretending to be a vampire...I'm not 100% sure where he got it from though. I honestly can't sit through all the children's shows that he watches. Now Cory on the other hand, can watch most of these shows with Cameron.
Cameron and I are on our own this week while Cory is gone to Regina for training for work. Cory left last night and won't be home until Friday. I wonder how many times Cameron will ask where he is throughout the week? Many times, I'm sure. I used to find it quite challenging when Cory was gone on a course but Cameron and I are a little more used to it now and just make a new routine for while he's gone.
Today Cameron and I filled our day with various things. First of all we started our day at 6:15am...I was not impressed! I managed to catch a few more zzz's while Cameron watched some tv and played with his Transformers though. We made a puzzle, made various creatures with play-doh, went for a walk and played in the backyard. I guess I kept him busy enough today because he didn't put up a fight at bedtime which was nice.
Well, I suppose that's enough for tonight. I'm going to try to write at least a few times a long as I have something to write about.
Until next time...
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