Cory is feeling much better but he's still not 100%. He started back to work this past Thursday on night shifts. I just prayed he wouldn't have any encounters with any "clients" that may require him to use any force. Thursday night went off without a hitch but Friday night was another story...of course they had to deal with a "client" who was not co-operative and therefore some use of force was required. In the process of dealing with this lovely individual, Cory managed to aggravate his injuries. So, off to the hospital we went this was nothing too serious but it definitely require a visit with the doctor. After 2.5 hours at the hospital and more x-rays, the doctor determined Cory needs physio for his neck, chest and knee. He also gave him something to help with the muscle damage that was caused due to the accident. Plus, the doctor advised Cory should only be doing light duties at work for the next 10 days and then see how physio is going. I think Cory is disappointed because he won't be able to do much at work for another little while but he needs to get better.
This week wasn't too exciting. Cameron was a happy little boy all week which made our week great though. Cameron was super excited about going to nursery school on Wednesday. He made a craft that barely survived the day but he was very proud of it. He also told us they sang "Jingle Bells" and he sang a little for seems to be his new favorite song now. I was pretty disappointed that only about half our TV shows were on this week, thanks to the American Thanksgiving. However, we did manage to fill up our evenings with other shows. We also made a purchase this week which helped keep us busy...Super Mario Bros for the Wii and it is AWESOME! The game is very similar to the original Super Mario Bros but way more fun. We've put in many hours playing the game over the past few days...even though Cameron hasn't advanced to playing Wii games, he does seem to enjoy watching us play this particular game.
Cameron has been pretty entertaining usual. The things he says on a daily basis seriously crack us up. I should really write some of his comments down so that I can share them with everyone...he's just so funny sometimes. This evening he sat down with Cory in the living room and told him a story which started something like this..."Once upon a time, there was a big, scary, green monster..." The story went on for a good 5 minutes and there was lots of arm movement and strange noises throughout. Cory and I were all but rolling on the floor laughing and Cameron was happy as good be. A while back, we had started a bedtime routine with reading books to, Cameron likes to read to us. However, Cameron reading to us basically consists of him looking at the pictures and occasionally he tells us what/who is in the pictures. He will not let me read to him...kind of strange but whatever, he's happy. A couple of days ago, Cameron decided he was going to play the guitar (the one we have for Guitar Hero for the Wii)...he informed us it was "time to dance and rock out"!
Well, I guess that's all I have for now. Cory only went to work for a couple of hours this evening so I thought we'd watch a movie but it seems that we're watching some Chris Rock show on the Comedy network...well, Cory's watching it. Maybe I'll just read my book
Until next time...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
On the mend
It's been almost a week since Cory's accident and he's doing great. He's still sore but he's definitely doing well. His knee and his chest are still giving him some trouble but he's well on his way to a full recovery. I'll say it again, he's very lucky to only have suffered minor injuries.
This past weekend was pretty uneventful for the most part, primarily because Cory needed to rest. Friday night we stayed in and watched TV, which isn't any different from any other Friday night in Sturgis. Saturday I did a lot of house work...laundry, scrubbed all 3 bathrooms, vacuuming, etc. Saturday evening we went to Curtis and Kristi's for some drinks and munchies. We didn't leave until later in the evening because we were taking Cameron with us and we wanted him to fall asleep on the drive to Canora. It was nice to get out of the house and spend some time with friends. Sunday Cory somehow found the energy to prepare a very yummy meal for ourselves and Pernell and Chantel. He made baked beans, biscuits, roasted potatoes and BBQ ribs. It was awesome but none of us could finish our meal. We also watched the Roughriders game, which was the first time Cory and I actually watched almost an entire football game. Apparently we're in Rider country now though and it's hard to believe we've been here this long and haven't watched a game. Pernell and Chantel also brought Cameron a new Riders's a little big so he'll be wearing for years to come.
So, the we had a pretty good weekend after a pretty long and stressful week. I'm confident that this will be a better week though. I think we'll head into Yorkton tomorrow for a little shopping...we always seem to need something. Cameron has nursery school on Wednesday and I really hope nothing interferes with that because he'd be awfully disappointed. Cory will be going back to work Thursday night so hopefully he'll be feeling even better by then.
Until next time...
This past weekend was pretty uneventful for the most part, primarily because Cory needed to rest. Friday night we stayed in and watched TV, which isn't any different from any other Friday night in Sturgis. Saturday I did a lot of house work...laundry, scrubbed all 3 bathrooms, vacuuming, etc. Saturday evening we went to Curtis and Kristi's for some drinks and munchies. We didn't leave until later in the evening because we were taking Cameron with us and we wanted him to fall asleep on the drive to Canora. It was nice to get out of the house and spend some time with friends. Sunday Cory somehow found the energy to prepare a very yummy meal for ourselves and Pernell and Chantel. He made baked beans, biscuits, roasted potatoes and BBQ ribs. It was awesome but none of us could finish our meal. We also watched the Roughriders game, which was the first time Cory and I actually watched almost an entire football game. Apparently we're in Rider country now though and it's hard to believe we've been here this long and haven't watched a game. Pernell and Chantel also brought Cameron a new Riders's a little big so he'll be wearing for years to come.
So, the we had a pretty good weekend after a pretty long and stressful week. I'm confident that this will be a better week though. I think we'll head into Yorkton tomorrow for a little shopping...we always seem to need something. Cameron has nursery school on Wednesday and I really hope nothing interferes with that because he'd be awfully disappointed. Cory will be going back to work Thursday night so hopefully he'll be feeling even better by then.
Until next time...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wow! What a week!
Our week started out pretty quiet but by Tuesday night things were definitely not so quiet anymore. Cory was working a day shift but called at suppertime to tell me he would be late for reasons I can't put in this blog. I wasn't expecting him home until after midnight at the earliest but I got a call from Tyler, his partner, just before midnight asking if Cory got home yet. Cory wasn't home and he wasn't answering his cell phone. I didn't panic and just assumed he was either busy with something or wasn't getting cell reception. At about 12:30am I decided I would go to bed. I had just crawled into bed when there was a knock on our door. At first I thought it must have been Cory and he couldn't get in for some reason but it was actually Tania, one of Cory's co-workers. I thought it was strange to see Tania on my doorstep at 12:40am but I still wasn't panicking. However, once I opened the door and saw the look on her face the panic did start to set in.
Tania was here to tell me that Cory had been in an accident that he was at the hospital in Canora. My heart immediately starting racing like crazy but I remained calm. She told me all she knew was that he was doing okay and that she was there to take me to the hospital. So I got myself and Cameron ready, poor Cameron had been sleeping for hours, and then we headed to Canora. On the way to Canora we saw the flashing lights of a police car on the side of the road just before we got to Canora. We slowed down as we drove by and could see Cory's police car upside down in the ditch. I'll admit that once I saw the car I was a little more panicked but I still remained calm.
When we arrived at the hospital, Tania went in first to check things out and to tell Cory that we were there. Cory was quite a sight when I walked into the room...he was still on the backboard and had on the neck brace and was pretty much covered in blood. He was talking and doing pretty well but he was in a great deal of pain. The took a bunch of x-rays and everything looked fine but he was having a lot of neck pain so he was going to need a CAT scan because the x-ray wouldn't show anything with the neck brace on and the it couldn't come off when the didn't know whether he had a neck injury or not. To make a long story short, he ended up being taken to Yorkton by ambulance for a CAT scan at 3am.
Tania, Cameron and I followed the ambulance to Yorkton and did some more waiting while they did the scans and then read the results. By around 5:30am we finally got the results that everything was fine and they finally took off the neck brace and got Cory cleaned up a little more. He has many bumps, bruises, cuts and scrapes. The worst cut is actually on the side of his head where it basically looks like it was shaved. He was very upset when he finally got home and saw he had a huge bald spot. Cory was then taken back to the Canora hospital where he would stay a little while longer for observation. Tania took Cameron and I home and we finally got back to Sturgis shortly after 7am.
I was so grateful to have Tania here to help me. She was such a huge help with keeping me calm and with watching Cameron. She pushed him around the Canora hospital in a wheelchair and then Cameron pushed Tania around in a wheelchair. She walked with him at the Yorkton hospital and helped to keep him occupied. Cameron was trooper through the whole thing and I couldn't believe he stayed awake with us all night. He did fall asleep as soon as we left Yorkton when we were headed for home though.
I found out what actually happened throughout the evening. Cory was on his way home after working a 15 hour day. He had just passed a car and was moving back into the right lane when a buck ran out in front of him. To make a long story short, when he swerved to miss the deer he eventually ended up rolling the police car. Ross, his corporal, was also on his way home and was only about 2 minutes behind Cory so he was on scene very quickly and called 911 to get the ambulance there. Cory had managed to unbuckle his seat belt and crawl out the driver's side window by himself.
I went to pick Cory up from the Canora hospital at noon on Wednesday. He was moving very slowly and in a great deal of pain. His chest/sternum is very, very sore and he has a lot of places that are very tender where he was cut and chunks of skin came out. Thursday afternoon he wanted to get out of the house. He wanted to find out where all of his stuff was that was in the car and he also wanted to go to see his car that was taken to Yorkton. All of his stuff was thrown from the car and the only that remains missing is a set of handcuffs, but they can certainly be replaced. Everyone kept saying they were amazed that he got out and walked away from the car and we knew what they were talking about when we saw the car. We took lots of pictures but I'm not going to post them. If anyone wants to see them, I can email them though. The car is completely destroyed. Cory didn't remember the air bag deploying but we saw that it did.
So, is off work until the end of next week. Hopefully, he'll be feeling much better by then and be able to get back at it. He was actually upset that he had to miss work for the rest of this week...that's how much he loves his job. Of course, I'd rather be at work than sitting at home in pain. Today he was pretty tired and sore, most likely because he over-did it yesterday with his outing, so he's stayed pretty close to the couch all day.
Cory is definitely lucky to have walked away with very minor injuries. His seat belt most likely saved his life. I am so grateful that he is okay and I hope I never have to go through anything like this was very scary. He's going to be fine but it will take some time for him to get back normal...or well, as normal as he can be!
Until next time...
Tania was here to tell me that Cory had been in an accident that he was at the hospital in Canora. My heart immediately starting racing like crazy but I remained calm. She told me all she knew was that he was doing okay and that she was there to take me to the hospital. So I got myself and Cameron ready, poor Cameron had been sleeping for hours, and then we headed to Canora. On the way to Canora we saw the flashing lights of a police car on the side of the road just before we got to Canora. We slowed down as we drove by and could see Cory's police car upside down in the ditch. I'll admit that once I saw the car I was a little more panicked but I still remained calm.
When we arrived at the hospital, Tania went in first to check things out and to tell Cory that we were there. Cory was quite a sight when I walked into the room...he was still on the backboard and had on the neck brace and was pretty much covered in blood. He was talking and doing pretty well but he was in a great deal of pain. The took a bunch of x-rays and everything looked fine but he was having a lot of neck pain so he was going to need a CAT scan because the x-ray wouldn't show anything with the neck brace on and the it couldn't come off when the didn't know whether he had a neck injury or not. To make a long story short, he ended up being taken to Yorkton by ambulance for a CAT scan at 3am.
Tania, Cameron and I followed the ambulance to Yorkton and did some more waiting while they did the scans and then read the results. By around 5:30am we finally got the results that everything was fine and they finally took off the neck brace and got Cory cleaned up a little more. He has many bumps, bruises, cuts and scrapes. The worst cut is actually on the side of his head where it basically looks like it was shaved. He was very upset when he finally got home and saw he had a huge bald spot. Cory was then taken back to the Canora hospital where he would stay a little while longer for observation. Tania took Cameron and I home and we finally got back to Sturgis shortly after 7am.
I was so grateful to have Tania here to help me. She was such a huge help with keeping me calm and with watching Cameron. She pushed him around the Canora hospital in a wheelchair and then Cameron pushed Tania around in a wheelchair. She walked with him at the Yorkton hospital and helped to keep him occupied. Cameron was trooper through the whole thing and I couldn't believe he stayed awake with us all night. He did fall asleep as soon as we left Yorkton when we were headed for home though.
I found out what actually happened throughout the evening. Cory was on his way home after working a 15 hour day. He had just passed a car and was moving back into the right lane when a buck ran out in front of him. To make a long story short, when he swerved to miss the deer he eventually ended up rolling the police car. Ross, his corporal, was also on his way home and was only about 2 minutes behind Cory so he was on scene very quickly and called 911 to get the ambulance there. Cory had managed to unbuckle his seat belt and crawl out the driver's side window by himself.
I went to pick Cory up from the Canora hospital at noon on Wednesday. He was moving very slowly and in a great deal of pain. His chest/sternum is very, very sore and he has a lot of places that are very tender where he was cut and chunks of skin came out. Thursday afternoon he wanted to get out of the house. He wanted to find out where all of his stuff was that was in the car and he also wanted to go to see his car that was taken to Yorkton. All of his stuff was thrown from the car and the only that remains missing is a set of handcuffs, but they can certainly be replaced. Everyone kept saying they were amazed that he got out and walked away from the car and we knew what they were talking about when we saw the car. We took lots of pictures but I'm not going to post them. If anyone wants to see them, I can email them though. The car is completely destroyed. Cory didn't remember the air bag deploying but we saw that it did.
So, is off work until the end of next week. Hopefully, he'll be feeling much better by then and be able to get back at it. He was actually upset that he had to miss work for the rest of this week...that's how much he loves his job. Of course, I'd rather be at work than sitting at home in pain. Today he was pretty tired and sore, most likely because he over-did it yesterday with his outing, so he's stayed pretty close to the couch all day.
Cory is definitely lucky to have walked away with very minor injuries. His seat belt most likely saved his life. I am so grateful that he is okay and I hope I never have to go through anything like this was very scary. He's going to be fine but it will take some time for him to get back normal...or well, as normal as he can be!
Until next time...
Monday, November 16, 2009
When I started this blog, I had full intentions to write at least a few times a week to keep everyone updated on the happenings in our lives, etc. However, it seems that has proven to be somewhat difficult for me. I'm really not sure must have something to do with my super busy schedule and life. Ha ha, yeah right! Maybe I'll just use the excuse that there hasn't really been as much happening as I had hoped for...yes, that's what I'm going to go with!
Cory had this past weekend off so it was family time for the three of us. Friday we headed into Yorkton for groceries and some other shopping of course. We did manage to get in and out of Walmart without a new toy for Cameron but no without a new movie. I'm pretty sure the movie purchase was just as much for Cory as it was for Cameron though. Although, I will say Cameron spotted the movies, grabbed in off the shelve and put it in the cart. The movie was "Up" and it's actually not a bad movie, as we watched it as a family on Friday evening. I also got the movie "The Ugly Truth" and Cory and I finally watched it last night. I must say that we quite enjoyed it. I laughed so hard I almost cried a few times...definitely a good movie. I'm still not sure about all the hype over Gerard Butler though...oh well.
Saturday consisted of organizing, cleaning and decorating. Cory changed all of the burnt out bulbs on our outdoor Christmas lights, which were hung about 2 weeks ago. We finally got a new DVD storage unit so I rearranged the office and organized all of our movies...pretty soon we'll have enough open our own movie rental store I'm sure. I'm still sticking with the excuse that movies are generally our only source of entertainment in Sturgis and that's why we have so many! We also put out our Christmas decorations throughout the house including Cameron's little Christmas tree. We'll hold off putting up our big tree for another couple of weeks though. The house looks very festive now and Cameron is loving it!
Sunday was a pretty lazy day in the Dowling household. I have to confess that I actually didn't get out of bed until almost 1pm...and I honestly can't remember the last time I stayed in bed so late. I was tired though after a whole week of very late nights and thankfully, Cory let me sleep in. Of course, I had many visits from Cameron throughout the morning for various reasons. Overall, I think we had a pretty productive and decent weekend.
This morning Cameron kept asking to go to school...he's been asking for over a week and there was no school last week due to Remembrance Day. I finally asked him why he wanted to go to school and his response was, "to see the kids" and then I started crying. He just breaks my heart sometimes. We feel so bad that he really doesn't have any friends here to play with. Although, Cory and I try to play with him and keep him occupied, we obviously just aren't the same as playing with other kids. There are kids in the town that are his age but it seems difficult to become friendly with the other mothers when you're the cop's wife. They assume I know their business and generally if there is anything to be known, they would be right. It makes things a little tricky. So today, Cameron and I were crafty and made Chistmas trees and a Santa's hat...then he was bored and went to play with his Transformers.
Until next time...
Cory had this past weekend off so it was family time for the three of us. Friday we headed into Yorkton for groceries and some other shopping of course. We did manage to get in and out of Walmart without a new toy for Cameron but no without a new movie. I'm pretty sure the movie purchase was just as much for Cory as it was for Cameron though. Although, I will say Cameron spotted the movies, grabbed in off the shelve and put it in the cart. The movie was "Up" and it's actually not a bad movie, as we watched it as a family on Friday evening. I also got the movie "The Ugly Truth" and Cory and I finally watched it last night. I must say that we quite enjoyed it. I laughed so hard I almost cried a few times...definitely a good movie. I'm still not sure about all the hype over Gerard Butler though...oh well.
Saturday consisted of organizing, cleaning and decorating. Cory changed all of the burnt out bulbs on our outdoor Christmas lights, which were hung about 2 weeks ago. We finally got a new DVD storage unit so I rearranged the office and organized all of our movies...pretty soon we'll have enough open our own movie rental store I'm sure. I'm still sticking with the excuse that movies are generally our only source of entertainment in Sturgis and that's why we have so many! We also put out our Christmas decorations throughout the house including Cameron's little Christmas tree. We'll hold off putting up our big tree for another couple of weeks though. The house looks very festive now and Cameron is loving it!
Sunday was a pretty lazy day in the Dowling household. I have to confess that I actually didn't get out of bed until almost 1pm...and I honestly can't remember the last time I stayed in bed so late. I was tired though after a whole week of very late nights and thankfully, Cory let me sleep in. Of course, I had many visits from Cameron throughout the morning for various reasons. Overall, I think we had a pretty productive and decent weekend.
This morning Cameron kept asking to go to school...he's been asking for over a week and there was no school last week due to Remembrance Day. I finally asked him why he wanted to go to school and his response was, "to see the kids" and then I started crying. He just breaks my heart sometimes. We feel so bad that he really doesn't have any friends here to play with. Although, Cory and I try to play with him and keep him occupied, we obviously just aren't the same as playing with other kids. There are kids in the town that are his age but it seems difficult to become friendly with the other mothers when you're the cop's wife. They assume I know their business and generally if there is anything to be known, they would be right. It makes things a little tricky. So today, Cameron and I were crafty and made Chistmas trees and a Santa's hat...then he was bored and went to play with his Transformers.
Until next time...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Carrot Cake
Thanks to a lovely couple back home in PEI, I have had an undeniable desire for carrot cake for the longest time. I did have a little taste of some carrot cake when I was on vacation in PEI during a visit with some wonderful ladies that I used to work with. I thought this would satisfy my craving but unfortunately it did. So after a search for a carrot cake in multiple stores, I came to the conclusion that I was going to have to make one from scratch.
Yesterday we went to Yorkton for groceries so I made sure I had all of the necessary ingredients to make my very first carrot cake. My mom gave me a recipe for a carrot cake that we know is very tasty and I set out to make this scrumptious cake yesterday evening...with the help of my little assistant of course. I'm always nervous when I make something for the first time because I worry about how it will turn out. The cake took a little longer to cook than the recipe said but that's no big deal as every oven is a little different.
During the cooking process, I had taken my butter and cream cheese out of the fridge so that they'd soften in preparation for the making of the icing. After the cake had been cooling for a bit I decided I would make the icing and have it ready when it was time to ice the cake. After fighting with the icing for what seemed like forever, I came to the conclusion that it is much simpler to buy Betty Crocker icing at the store! The icing tasted fine but was not the proper consistency and my chef turned cop husband was at work and unable to provide me with assistance. I decided to put the icing in the fridge because it was a little...runny. By 12:30am I didn't want to wait any longer to try a piece of my cake so I iced the damn thing even though the icing was still not the proper consistency.
So, after weeks of wanting some carrot cake I finally had a big piece for a bedtime snack! The cake turned out just fair in my opinion but of course I ate it anyway. This morning Cory took a peek at my cake in the fridge and the first thing he said was, "All of your icing ran off your cake." Ugh! So then I had to explain the whole icing fiasco to him and he concluded that I was just being impatient and I should have waited to ice the cake today. Whatever!
P.S. I had another big piece for breakfast this's still just fair. LOL!
Yesterday we went to Yorkton for groceries so I made sure I had all of the necessary ingredients to make my very first carrot cake. My mom gave me a recipe for a carrot cake that we know is very tasty and I set out to make this scrumptious cake yesterday evening...with the help of my little assistant of course. I'm always nervous when I make something for the first time because I worry about how it will turn out. The cake took a little longer to cook than the recipe said but that's no big deal as every oven is a little different.
During the cooking process, I had taken my butter and cream cheese out of the fridge so that they'd soften in preparation for the making of the icing. After the cake had been cooling for a bit I decided I would make the icing and have it ready when it was time to ice the cake. After fighting with the icing for what seemed like forever, I came to the conclusion that it is much simpler to buy Betty Crocker icing at the store! The icing tasted fine but was not the proper consistency and my chef turned cop husband was at work and unable to provide me with assistance. I decided to put the icing in the fridge because it was a little...runny. By 12:30am I didn't want to wait any longer to try a piece of my cake so I iced the damn thing even though the icing was still not the proper consistency.
So, after weeks of wanting some carrot cake I finally had a big piece for a bedtime snack! The cake turned out just fair in my opinion but of course I ate it anyway. This morning Cory took a peek at my cake in the fridge and the first thing he said was, "All of your icing ran off your cake." Ugh! So then I had to explain the whole icing fiasco to him and he concluded that I was just being impatient and I should have waited to ice the cake today. Whatever!
P.S. I had another big piece for breakfast this's still just fair. LOL!
Friday, November 6, 2009
And the weekend has arrived
Another week is coming to an end, not that the weekend really means much to me anymore. The weekends for me are just when Cory is on days off and he's actually working nights this weekend. So, basically this weekend will involve a whole lot of nothing or well, snacks and TV I suppose.
This week was pretty uneventful for all. We went to Regina for the day this past Monday to do some Christmas shopping. We didn't actually decide whether we were going to go to Saskatoon or Regina until about 10 minutes before we got in the truck to leave. We had lunch at Chili's, which was yummy and then commenced our shopping. We went to Toys R Us first where we spent a good hour in the store deciding what would be good for Cameron for Christmas. When we finally decided, Cameron and I waited in the truck while Cory went back in to make the purchases. We also made a quick stop at Michael's and Walmart before moving on to Costco. I set a budget for what we could spend at Costco and we managed to get through the check-out with $4 to spare! That pretty much sums up our day in Regina and then we headed for Sturgis. As soon as we were outside of the city, Cameron informed us he was hungry so we stopped at A&W in Fort Qu'Appelle and got some supper for the road trip home.
Tuesday was pretty much a lazy day at home for the three of us. I did some laundry and Cory put up the Christmas lights on the house. He decided he would get it done before the weather is like -40. We were all pretty tired from our busy day in Regina so it was nice to just stay home and relax.
Cameron had nursery school on Wednesday and he enjoyed it very much. They made balloon people and I was smart enough to remember to take a picture of it as soon as we got home before it got destroyed. I was right to do this because the balloon didn't make it through the whole afternoon. He was also pretty excited about the cupcake he took home from nursery school and he gobbled it down with no trouble. On the way home from nursery school we made a detour and took Cameron to Preeceville for his H1N1 shot. He was a trooper and only said, "Ow" in a slight whisper when he was poked with the needle. We were also fortunate to not have to wait and we were in and out in less than 20 minutes total.
Today I went for a short walk to get the's actually a pretty nice day here today. I also made a yummy pizza dip for lunch and then Cameron and I baked some brownies. I've been craving carrot cake and had planned to make a trip to the Co-Op today for a few ingredients but we decided we'll go to Yorkton tomorrow so I'll wait and do my carrot cake shopping there. That pretty much sums up our week so far. It will soon be time for me to start supper...spaghetti with meat sauce. Cory works tonight and I think I might watch a chick flick this evening because Friday night TV sucks.
Until next time...
This week was pretty uneventful for all. We went to Regina for the day this past Monday to do some Christmas shopping. We didn't actually decide whether we were going to go to Saskatoon or Regina until about 10 minutes before we got in the truck to leave. We had lunch at Chili's, which was yummy and then commenced our shopping. We went to Toys R Us first where we spent a good hour in the store deciding what would be good for Cameron for Christmas. When we finally decided, Cameron and I waited in the truck while Cory went back in to make the purchases. We also made a quick stop at Michael's and Walmart before moving on to Costco. I set a budget for what we could spend at Costco and we managed to get through the check-out with $4 to spare! That pretty much sums up our day in Regina and then we headed for Sturgis. As soon as we were outside of the city, Cameron informed us he was hungry so we stopped at A&W in Fort Qu'Appelle and got some supper for the road trip home.
Tuesday was pretty much a lazy day at home for the three of us. I did some laundry and Cory put up the Christmas lights on the house. He decided he would get it done before the weather is like -40. We were all pretty tired from our busy day in Regina so it was nice to just stay home and relax.
Cameron had nursery school on Wednesday and he enjoyed it very much. They made balloon people and I was smart enough to remember to take a picture of it as soon as we got home before it got destroyed. I was right to do this because the balloon didn't make it through the whole afternoon. He was also pretty excited about the cupcake he took home from nursery school and he gobbled it down with no trouble. On the way home from nursery school we made a detour and took Cameron to Preeceville for his H1N1 shot. He was a trooper and only said, "Ow" in a slight whisper when he was poked with the needle. We were also fortunate to not have to wait and we were in and out in less than 20 minutes total.
Until next time...
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