Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Just 2 more sleeps!

It's hard to believe that it's almost Christmas and that Santa will be here in just 2 more sleeps. I simply can't believe that it's December 23rd already...where does the time go?

This past week has been pretty busy for us. I managed to hurt my neck about a week ago so that sort of slowed me down when I had so many things to get done. I should note that my neck still hurts (I'm a little cranky about it). On this past Sunday Cory, Cameron and I drove to Saskatoon to pick up Jerome and Shirley at the airport. This is their first trip to visit since we moved 21 months ago. They said that Sturgis is pretty much what they expected and they seem to really like our home. We took them to the big metropolis of Yorkton yesterday for a little last minute Christmas shopping and to pick up a few groceries for Christmas dinner.

Cameron is getting VERY excited for Santa to come. We finally put gifts under the tree on the weekend and he's been pretty good to leave them alone. Although there is one gift that came from his cousins in PEI that he seems quite interested in. There is a small piece of wrapping paper that is starting to rip ever so slightly on one corner. Cameron indicated that we should just open it since it was already started! We're hoping to Santa to make an appearance at our home on Christmas Eve to see Cameron before he goes to bed. It was a pretty big hit last year and we're hoping it goes just as well this year. Unlike many kids, Cameron is not at all scared of the jolly guy in the red suit. I'm hoping to get a good video of it to share with our family and friends who will miss the whole experience.

It's snowing in Sturgis today so we're definitely going to have a white Christmas. It's looking like PEI will have a green Christmas this year though. On the upside, it will make for safer and easier travelling for everyone back home. I'm looking forward to seeing Cameron on Christmas morning...last year was pretty good but I think this year will be even better. The only thing he wants from Santa is a real Optimus Prime, so we're hoping Santa gives him what he wants. I'm also looking forward to Christmas dinner...turkey/chicken dinner is always my favorite. We've also invited one of Cory's co-workers over for dinner as his family is still in Ontario so we don't want him to have to spend Christmas alone in his motel room. I'm sure it will be a fun day and I'm getting pretty excited myself!

Monday, December 14, 2009

A surprise phone call from Santa!

This past weekend we were having some issues with Cameron...he was refusing to eat his supper, saying he didn't like it...even though it was one of his favorite things to eat. So we arranged for a phone call from Santa. Cory talked to Santa first and relayed the message to Cameron that if he ate all of his supper that Santa would call him back for chat. I'm not sure I've seen Cameron shovel his food in quite so fast! As promised after Cameron finished eating (most of it anyway) the phone rang and it was Santa. Cameron was so excited and had a wonderful chat with Santa. When Santa asked what he wanted for Christmas he responded with the usual requests that we've been hearing around the house lately...Nannies, toys, a real Optimus Prime. It was pretty cute so I took a few pictures of him of course.

Another lovely winter day in SK

When we got up this morning the temperature was somewhere in the -48 degree range with the windchill. I honestly didn't even bother to check the weather because I knew it was ridiculously cold outside! Although today was probably one of the coldest days we've had this winter, the three of us ventured out to go to Yorkton for the day. We didn't have to go for anything important but we ended up spending an awful lot of money for some reason.

I finally finished my baking last Friday and then I gave it all away. So, now I have to do some more baking so we have some goodies for ourselves. I made up little parcels of treats for all of Cory's co-workers, which hopefully they all enjoyed...and hopefully it all tasted good because I didn't actual taste everything that I made. Cory's parents will be arriving this Sunday so I'll likely bake a few things before the weekend. All of this baking sure is hard work...I wonder if it could be considered exercise?!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Baking, baking and more baking

For the past few days I have been quite busy doing my Christmas baking. My goal is to the majority of my baking completed before the weekend. So far I have made 6 dozen peanut butter cups, 11 dozen ginger cookies, 2 lemon poppy seed cakes, Skor fudge, and a pan of Rice Krispie squares. I currently have a big bowl of peanut butter ball mixture sitting in the fridge. I had planned to roll my balls tonight but I got I'll roll them in the morning and dip them in chocolate in the afternoon. Of course, this is just the first batch of peanut butter balls and I believe there will be 2 more batches to follow because they are both mine and Cory's favorite treat. I'm also hoping to make almond bark tomorrow and I "might" attempt peanut brittle...but that didn't do so well last year. I'm also hoping to make sugar cookies in various fun shapes (I bought new cookie cutters this week) and I plan to take them to Cameron's Christmas party at nursery school next week.

Speaking of nursery school, Cameron was bouncing on Wednesday morning when Cory told him he had school. He just loves going to's too bad it's only 2 hours a week. This week they made wreaths, with a little help I think, and Cameron was very proud of his craft. I managed to hide it from him so it has yet to be destroyed. Here's a pic.

Cory went back to the doctor this week and got the OK to go back to regular duties at work and Cory was very happy about this. I think he was getting tired of not being able to much other than sit at a desk all day. He almost seemed excited to get up and get ready for work on Wednesday morning because he actually got to put his uniform on. I found it kind of funny.

What's also funny is that Cory is in need of a hair cut but he never calls in advance and ends up having to wait longer to get into the hairdresser. You'd think he'd learn but he hasn't yet...until today maybe. So, I guess Cory decided he just go to one of the barber's in Canora for a trim. Well, I bought clippers and cut Cameron's hair myself this week and it turned out pretty well...Cory should have let me trim his hair because it would have looked a whole lot better. I mean, it's like a train wreck...I couldn't stop staring when he came home from work today. It's really, really BAD!!! I asked him what happened to his hair and his response was, "I have an appointment next week to get it fixed." He was also not impressed with his "trim". Did I mention how bad it is? Wow! For those of you who know Cory, you know how much he cares about how his hair looks. So, I figured he'd be able to hide the nasty hair cut with a hat but the hat doesn't even hide how bad it is. The "barber" cut Cory's hair WAY too short in the back...wait, I mean shaved it WAY too short in the back. It just looks ridiculous. I guess I should stop now, he may be a little upset if he knows I put this info about his hair on here. Oh dear, hopefully it will grow fast.

Well, it's getting late and I should be getting a little shut eye...after I watch some more TV of course!

Until next time...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

December already? Where has the time gone?

I seriously can't believe that we are into the month of December and that Santa is a mere 22 sleeps away. I guess time flies when you're having fun. Our Christmas shopping is basically done and just needs to be wrapped. I don't put the gifts under the tree until Christmas Eve though so I've got lots of time. I do however need to get a move on my baking. Last year I did up tins of goodies for Cory's co-workers and their families and I want to do that again this year. It's a pretty big job but I love doing it. I still have to decide what exactly I'm going to make. Our number one favorite is chocolate covered peanut butter balls...I made 2 double batches last year and I'm sure I'll end up doing the same this year.

Cameron and I put up and decorated the Christmas tree this week. It was quite a big job...good thing I had my little helper. He basically just gave me orders through the majority of the process..."Mommy, I can't see the TV...MOVE." "Mommy, stop making so much noise." "Mommy, are you almost done?" Once I got the tree out of the box and looking like an actual tree and then had all of the lights on, I let Cameron help by passing me the ornaments to hang on the tree. He was passing them one at the time and then two at a time and then he got frustrated because I wasn't putting them on fast enough and I was making him wait. I think I heard him say, "Next!" about 200 times throughout the whole process as he passed me the ornaments. It was fun though and he felt important that he got to "help". I think it was a nice surprise for Cory when he came home that night too. Usually, I get very cranky during the whole tree decorating process and Cory ends up having to do the majority of it.

I did have a few technical issues during the whole ordeal though...although I tested all of the lights before putting them on the tree, I still managed to have two sets of lights that were only half lit when i plug in the lights when I was all done...ugh! I managed to wiggle the cords very carefully and patiently and the lights all starting working! However, then I discovered that I had missed putting lights on two whole branches, not side-by-side but they were still quite noticeable. So, then I had to figure out what to do because I had used all of the lights and couldn't just run out to Walmart for more. So I figured I'd just carefully place the ornaments and hopefully no one would notice my screw up. When I went back downstairs to get the ornaments I also found 3 more sets of lights so I no longer had to worry about my unfortunate mistake...crisis averted. Anyhow, I think the tree looks great!

Cameron had nursery school on Wednesday morning and he was SUPER excited to go. I was equally as excited to have 2 whole hours at home to myself. I layed on the couch and got caught up on One Tree Hill while Cameron was at school. Cameron had a great time at school as always. He was very proud of his craft project that he made this week, here's a picture of it:
That sums up most of what's been happening this week.
Until next time...