This is so much for kids of all ages...I mean who wouldn't want a personal message from Santa.
To create your own go to:
Friday, November 26, 2010
We're having a baby!
The cat is out of the to speak!
As many of you most likely are already aware, we are expecting our second child. Last week we decided it was time to share the exciting news with our family friends. To be honest, I wanted to wait a few more weeks but Cory simply couldn't wait any longer. I ordered the cutest big brother t-shirt online for Cameron for our big announcement and the day that the t-shirt arrived in the mail Cory thought we should just tell everyone our news!
I took a picture of Cameron wearing his new big brother t-shirt and emailed it to my parents. I called to tell them that I was sending a picture that I thought that they would like so that they would check for it right away. While my parents were viewing their email, we were chatting with Cory's parents on Skype so Cameron modeled his t-shirt for them. Our parents were very surprised with our news and also very excited.

You see, we had convinced our family and friends that we had no intention of having another baby. Little did they know that we had decided over a year ago that we would have one more when the time was right. Last fall we decided that we wanted to take Cameron on a really fun vacation before we added to our family. Disney World in Orlando, FL was obviously our choice and we had decided that once we went on our family vacation we would be ready for baby number 2. To our surprise, I discovered I was expecting just one week after our return from Florida and of course we were very excited!
I am almost 9 weeks, so it is still very early but everything seems to be going well so far. I feel very similar to when I was pregnant with Cameron. I don't have any morning sickness but I sure do have afternoon AND evening sickness almost daily! I've been a little tired as well, but overall I really can't complain. Cameron is having a little difficulty understanding the whole concept of a new baby in the family and that he's going to be a big brother but I'm sure he'll start to understand soon.
A funny thing happened the other night actually. Cameron gave me a big hug and squeezed me so tightly. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling the best (a little queasy) so I just asked him not to squeeze too hard because my belly was feeling a little sick. He then questioned as to why my belly felt sick and I reminded him that there is a baby growing in my belly. He gave me a funny look and then asked to see my belly so I lifted my shirt so that he could take a look at my belly. Obviously, there is nothing to see and I'm certainly not showing. He took a look anyway and informed me that he couldn't see the baby and then he put his ear to my belly and told me that he couldn't hear the baby. I thought this was pretty cute and then he looked up at me and said, "I guess the baby is sleeping."
As many of you most likely are already aware, we are expecting our second child. Last week we decided it was time to share the exciting news with our family friends. To be honest, I wanted to wait a few more weeks but Cory simply couldn't wait any longer. I ordered the cutest big brother t-shirt online for Cameron for our big announcement and the day that the t-shirt arrived in the mail Cory thought we should just tell everyone our news!
I took a picture of Cameron wearing his new big brother t-shirt and emailed it to my parents. I called to tell them that I was sending a picture that I thought that they would like so that they would check for it right away. While my parents were viewing their email, we were chatting with Cory's parents on Skype so Cameron modeled his t-shirt for them. Our parents were very surprised with our news and also very excited.
You see, we had convinced our family and friends that we had no intention of having another baby. Little did they know that we had decided over a year ago that we would have one more when the time was right. Last fall we decided that we wanted to take Cameron on a really fun vacation before we added to our family. Disney World in Orlando, FL was obviously our choice and we had decided that once we went on our family vacation we would be ready for baby number 2. To our surprise, I discovered I was expecting just one week after our return from Florida and of course we were very excited!
I am almost 9 weeks, so it is still very early but everything seems to be going well so far. I feel very similar to when I was pregnant with Cameron. I don't have any morning sickness but I sure do have afternoon AND evening sickness almost daily! I've been a little tired as well, but overall I really can't complain. Cameron is having a little difficulty understanding the whole concept of a new baby in the family and that he's going to be a big brother but I'm sure he'll start to understand soon.
A funny thing happened the other night actually. Cameron gave me a big hug and squeezed me so tightly. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling the best (a little queasy) so I just asked him not to squeeze too hard because my belly was feeling a little sick. He then questioned as to why my belly felt sick and I reminded him that there is a baby growing in my belly. He gave me a funny look and then asked to see my belly so I lifted my shirt so that he could take a look at my belly. Obviously, there is nothing to see and I'm certainly not showing. He took a look anyway and informed me that he couldn't see the baby and then he put his ear to my belly and told me that he couldn't hear the baby. I thought this was pretty cute and then he looked up at me and said, "I guess the baby is sleeping."
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Florida Family Vacation Blogging Complete
I finally finished writing/copying from my journal to recap our family vacation to Florida. I'm really not too sure how many people actually read this blog and I'm also not too sure if any of you wanted to know the day to day routines of our vacation...but you have it to read now or not, your choice :)
I'll now try to be a little more on the ball and keep posting on a regular basis...I hope!
I'll now try to be a little more on the ball and keep posting on a regular basis...I hope!
Winter Wonderland
Well, it would seem that winter is quickly approaching. We did have snow here in Sturgis the last week of October but then it got warmer again and all of the snow melted. I have to admit, I was quite surprised because I was sure it was here to stay. So last week we were pleasantly surprised to have a week full of sunshine and warm temperatures. However, that quickly came to a halt and it started to get colder as each day passed. Which brings us to today...the day started with some lovely freezing rain and then changed to snow this afternoon. I just loved when the roads turn to ice and are then covered with a blanket of fresh white stuff. It makes for such awesome driving! Luckily, I don't have to go too far most days and I get to stay indoors on days like these. Cameron did have school this afternoon but I really can't complain about driving 3 blocks. I know winter is inevitable but I really was hoping it would hold out a little longer...sigh.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Florida Family Vacation Day 15
Journal Entry: Sunday, October 17, 2010
Today started before am, which wasn't much fun especially because I am NOT a morning person. It was a very tight squeeze getting to the airport. We had 5 large suitcases plus our carry-ons to fit into the car with 5 of us. Luckily it wasn't a very long drive to the airport.
After the usual process at the airport, we got on our flight to Denver. Our seats were in the very last row and it was super uncomfortable. The only good think about the flight was that the movie was "Grown Ups". We had a 2.5 hour wait in Denver, which gave us lots of time to stretch our legs and have some lunch.
We finally got to Regina at 2pm, cleared customs, and got our bags loaded into the truck. We started our drive home and stopped in Yorkton to pick up supper. We knew we had no groceries at home and we certainly didn't feel like cooking.
After a very tiring day, we are having a very relaxing evening at home. It is going to feel so good to crawl into our own bed tonight. We had an amazing vacation but it is also great to be home. And although we just got home, I can't wait to go back!
Today started before am, which wasn't much fun especially because I am NOT a morning person. It was a very tight squeeze getting to the airport. We had 5 large suitcases plus our carry-ons to fit into the car with 5 of us. Luckily it wasn't a very long drive to the airport.
After the usual process at the airport, we got on our flight to Denver. Our seats were in the very last row and it was super uncomfortable. The only good think about the flight was that the movie was "Grown Ups". We had a 2.5 hour wait in Denver, which gave us lots of time to stretch our legs and have some lunch.
We finally got to Regina at 2pm, cleared customs, and got our bags loaded into the truck. We started our drive home and stopped in Yorkton to pick up supper. We knew we had no groceries at home and we certainly didn't feel like cooking.
After a very tiring day, we are having a very relaxing evening at home. It is going to feel so good to crawl into our own bed tonight. We had an amazing vacation but it is also great to be home. And although we just got home, I can't wait to go back!
Florida Family Vacation Day 14
Journal Entry: Saturday, October, 16, 2010
Today started with a very early morning. Matt and Stephanie left before the rest of us were out of bed to go to the airport. However, the rest of us were up at 6am to get ready to go to breakfast with Mickey.
We had reservations for breakfast at the Ohana restaurant at the Polynesian Resort at Disney. We got to see Mickey, Pluto, Lilo and Stitch. Cameron was so excited to have each of the characters come right to our table to see him. Breakfast was very good and we all enjoyed the experience very much. They just kept bringing us more food until we had had enough...Mickey shaped waffles, scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon, biscuits, and hash browns!
After breakfast, we decided to go to the Magic Kingdom for a couple of hours. We had promised to take Cameron on the Dumbo ride because we had missed it the day we were there. There was a 30 minute wait for the ride but we waited. All 5 of us then went on Splash Mountain again since we were there and it's such a fun ride. We did a little shopping, which included purchasing Mickey ears with our names on them!
We headed to Downtown Disney when we left the Magic Kingdom. We yet more shopping and then had lunch at Wolfgang Puck Express. The wait for our food was a little long but the food was yummy. We went back to the house for the rest of the afternoon. We hung out around the pool for a while and then started packing.
We went for supper at Hooters and then went mini golfing at Pirate's Cove again. Mini golf was fun and the best part was that I won! We had planned to call it an early night but we had to finish packing so things didn't quite go as planned.
It's time to finally crawl into bed because we have to get up at 4am to get ready to go to the airport :(
Today started with a very early morning. Matt and Stephanie left before the rest of us were out of bed to go to the airport. However, the rest of us were up at 6am to get ready to go to breakfast with Mickey.
We had reservations for breakfast at the Ohana restaurant at the Polynesian Resort at Disney. We got to see Mickey, Pluto, Lilo and Stitch. Cameron was so excited to have each of the characters come right to our table to see him. Breakfast was very good and we all enjoyed the experience very much. They just kept bringing us more food until we had had enough...Mickey shaped waffles, scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon, biscuits, and hash browns!
After breakfast, we decided to go to the Magic Kingdom for a couple of hours. We had promised to take Cameron on the Dumbo ride because we had missed it the day we were there. There was a 30 minute wait for the ride but we waited. All 5 of us then went on Splash Mountain again since we were there and it's such a fun ride. We did a little shopping, which included purchasing Mickey ears with our names on them!
We headed to Downtown Disney when we left the Magic Kingdom. We yet more shopping and then had lunch at Wolfgang Puck Express. The wait for our food was a little long but the food was yummy. We went back to the house for the rest of the afternoon. We hung out around the pool for a while and then started packing.
We went for supper at Hooters and then went mini golfing at Pirate's Cove again. Mini golf was fun and the best part was that I won! We had planned to call it an early night but we had to finish packing so things didn't quite go as planned.
It's time to finally crawl into bed because we have to get up at 4am to get ready to go to the airport :(
Florida Family Vacation Day 13
Journal Entry: Friday, October, 15, 2010
We finally finished our visits to all of the theme parks, so today we decided to got exploring during the day. Today is also Matt and Stephanie's last day and they decided to stay at the house for the day.
The rest us ventured out for a little drive. It was getting close to lunch time so we found a Johnny Rocket's on International Drive. Johnny Rocket's is a neat little 50's diner that serves really yummy milkshakes and food. After lunch we went to do a little shopping. We had to get a new suitcase because we new we weren't going to be able to get everything into the 2 that we brought with us due to all of our shopping. We went to Ross Dress For Less and found some great deals.
After shopping it was time to hit up the Sling Shot! Sling Shot is a ride where two people get strapped into seats and then are shop up 390 feet in the air. Pernell and Cory went on the Sling Shot while we watched. It was awesome and hilarious! We have it on video so we can laugh at it over and over again. Chantel didn't want to ride so I opted out as well.
After the Sling Shot, we made our way to the Mall of Millenia. We did little shopping until it was time to meet Stephanie and Matt at The Cheesecake Factory for supper. Although we had already been there to eat, it was so yummy that we wanted to go back. Supper was very good and we all took cheesecake home for dessert.
After supper Pern and Chantel decided to go home while the rest of us went mini golfing. We went to Pirate's Cove Mini Golf in Lake Buena Vista and it was really fun. We headed home after mini golf so that Stephanie and Matt could pas as they leave early in the morning.
The rest of us are calling it an early night as well because we have breakfast with Mickey in the morning!
We finally finished our visits to all of the theme parks, so today we decided to got exploring during the day. Today is also Matt and Stephanie's last day and they decided to stay at the house for the day.
The rest us ventured out for a little drive. It was getting close to lunch time so we found a Johnny Rocket's on International Drive. Johnny Rocket's is a neat little 50's diner that serves really yummy milkshakes and food. After lunch we went to do a little shopping. We had to get a new suitcase because we new we weren't going to be able to get everything into the 2 that we brought with us due to all of our shopping. We went to Ross Dress For Less and found some great deals.
After shopping it was time to hit up the Sling Shot! Sling Shot is a ride where two people get strapped into seats and then are shop up 390 feet in the air. Pernell and Cory went on the Sling Shot while we watched. It was awesome and hilarious! We have it on video so we can laugh at it over and over again. Chantel didn't want to ride so I opted out as well.
After the Sling Shot, we made our way to the Mall of Millenia. We did little shopping until it was time to meet Stephanie and Matt at The Cheesecake Factory for supper. Although we had already been there to eat, it was so yummy that we wanted to go back. Supper was very good and we all took cheesecake home for dessert.
After supper Pern and Chantel decided to go home while the rest of us went mini golfing. We went to Pirate's Cove Mini Golf in Lake Buena Vista and it was really fun. We headed home after mini golf so that Stephanie and Matt could pas as they leave early in the morning.
The rest of us are calling it an early night as well because we have breakfast with Mickey in the morning!
Florida Family Vacation Day 12
Journal Entry: Thursday, October, 14, 2010
Today we ventured out for a our last day at a theme park, Universal's Islands of Adventures. It was a very fun day although I did have a headache for most of the day. I think the headache was likely due to lack of sleep because I had a rotten sleep last night. I pushed through the day but I did skip the water rides. After being wet for most of the day at Animal Kingdom, I didn't want to do that again. Pern, Cory and Cameron got soaked and spent $10 in the people dryer!
We got to experience the new Harry Potter section that only opened in June. It was really neat but it was FULL of people and that nearly drove me insane. We spent just a little over an hour in line just to go on one of the Harry Potter rides and I'm still not sure it was worth the wait. The ride was fun but definitely not on the top of my list of favorites.
We took Cameron to Seuss' Landing and he really enjoyed that. We went on all the rides with him and he got to have his picture taken with The Cat in The Hat and The Grinch. He was little confused about why The Grinch didn't give him a hug though! Cameron also got his picture take with Spiderman and we actually bought these pictures because they were so cool.
After we left the park we went to Benihana for supper. It's a Chinese restaurant where they cook your food in front of you at your table. It was new experience for all of us and we really enjoyed everything. I also learned how to use chopsticks!
It's getting late and we're not planning much for tomorrow. Laundry is on the top of my agenda.
Today we ventured out for a our last day at a theme park, Universal's Islands of Adventures. It was a very fun day although I did have a headache for most of the day. I think the headache was likely due to lack of sleep because I had a rotten sleep last night. I pushed through the day but I did skip the water rides. After being wet for most of the day at Animal Kingdom, I didn't want to do that again. Pern, Cory and Cameron got soaked and spent $10 in the people dryer!
We got to experience the new Harry Potter section that only opened in June. It was really neat but it was FULL of people and that nearly drove me insane. We spent just a little over an hour in line just to go on one of the Harry Potter rides and I'm still not sure it was worth the wait. The ride was fun but definitely not on the top of my list of favorites.
We took Cameron to Seuss' Landing and he really enjoyed that. We went on all the rides with him and he got to have his picture taken with The Cat in The Hat and The Grinch. He was little confused about why The Grinch didn't give him a hug though! Cameron also got his picture take with Spiderman and we actually bought these pictures because they were so cool.
After we left the park we went to Benihana for supper. It's a Chinese restaurant where they cook your food in front of you at your table. It was new experience for all of us and we really enjoyed everything. I also learned how to use chopsticks!
It's getting late and we're not planning much for tomorrow. Laundry is on the top of my agenda.
Florida Family Vacation Day 11
Journal Entry: Wednesday, October, 13, 2010
Today we decided to have a more relaxing day, sort of. Matt and Stephanie decided to stay at the house for the day. Matt got some school work done and they went for a swim. Pernell, Cory and Cameron dropped Chantel and I off to go shopping and they went to Gatorland. The boys really enjoyed seeing the gators. They all got to sit on a gator and Cameron ever got to feed the gators.
In the evening, we made our way to Downtown Disney as we had tickets to go see Cirque du Soliel's La Nouba. The show was awesome! I'll admit that I though that the show got off to a bit of a slow start and Cameron was a bit restless but it definitely got better. During one part of the show, there were four little girls that were about 10 years of at most and they were amazing! The little girls were my favorite part of the show.
After the show, we went to Planet Hollywood for supper. There was a wait for a table so we did a little shopping/browsing in some of the shops. None of us had ever been to a Planet Hollywood before and it was pretty neat. There was memorabilia from all kinds of movies and stuff everywhere. The restaurant for 4 floors and they played loud music and videos. Oh, and the food was pretty good too.
After another long day, it's time to call it a night and rest up for another busy day tomorrow.
Today we decided to have a more relaxing day, sort of. Matt and Stephanie decided to stay at the house for the day. Matt got some school work done and they went for a swim. Pernell, Cory and Cameron dropped Chantel and I off to go shopping and they went to Gatorland. The boys really enjoyed seeing the gators. They all got to sit on a gator and Cameron ever got to feed the gators.
In the evening, we made our way to Downtown Disney as we had tickets to go see Cirque du Soliel's La Nouba. The show was awesome! I'll admit that I though that the show got off to a bit of a slow start and Cameron was a bit restless but it definitely got better. During one part of the show, there were four little girls that were about 10 years of at most and they were amazing! The little girls were my favorite part of the show.
After the show, we went to Planet Hollywood for supper. There was a wait for a table so we did a little shopping/browsing in some of the shops. None of us had ever been to a Planet Hollywood before and it was pretty neat. There was memorabilia from all kinds of movies and stuff everywhere. The restaurant for 4 floors and they played loud music and videos. Oh, and the food was pretty good too.
After another long day, it's time to call it a night and rest up for another busy day tomorrow.
Florida Family Vacation Day 10
Journal Entry: Tuesday, October, 12, 2010
We were up and on the go pretty early this morning to get ready for our day at Hollywood Studios. Cameron had been asking almost daily as to when we were going to Hollywood Studios. It turns out he just really wanted to see the giant Mickey's sorcerer hat!
We started our day by going on Aerosmith's Rockin' Roller Coaster and Hollywood Tower of Terror. Cameron couldn't go on the roller coaster but he absolutely loved Tower of Terror. We actually went on the Tower of Terror again later in the day!
Most of the other attractions were shows as opposed to rides. We saw The Little Mermaid, Muppets in 3D, and a Stunt Show to name a few. The stunt show was very neat and we really liked it. It showed how they do various stunts with cars in movies.
Matt and Stephanie decided to go home early but the rest of us stayed for Fanstamic. We did a little shopping and Cameron got Mickey's sorcerer hat and Mickey gloves. We stood in line for Fantasmic for a very long time but we did have very good seats and the show was awesome!
While we were waiting for the show, Cory went to get us ice cream. Apparently a few people thought that he was Carey Hart and asked for his autograph! LOL! That pretty much sums up our day. Shopping and Cirque du Soliel tomorrow!
We were up and on the go pretty early this morning to get ready for our day at Hollywood Studios. Cameron had been asking almost daily as to when we were going to Hollywood Studios. It turns out he just really wanted to see the giant Mickey's sorcerer hat!
We started our day by going on Aerosmith's Rockin' Roller Coaster and Hollywood Tower of Terror. Cameron couldn't go on the roller coaster but he absolutely loved Tower of Terror. We actually went on the Tower of Terror again later in the day!
Most of the other attractions were shows as opposed to rides. We saw The Little Mermaid, Muppets in 3D, and a Stunt Show to name a few. The stunt show was very neat and we really liked it. It showed how they do various stunts with cars in movies.
Matt and Stephanie decided to go home early but the rest of us stayed for Fanstamic. We did a little shopping and Cameron got Mickey's sorcerer hat and Mickey gloves. We stood in line for Fantasmic for a very long time but we did have very good seats and the show was awesome!
While we were waiting for the show, Cory went to get us ice cream. Apparently a few people thought that he was Carey Hart and asked for his autograph! LOL! That pretty much sums up our day. Shopping and Cirque du Soliel tomorrow!
Florida Family Vacation Day 9
Journal Entry: Monday, October, 11, 2010
Today is Thanksgiving in Canada but there was no turkey for us. We decided to take a break from the parks today so we all went shopping. We went to a very large outlet mall and spent a little money ;) Everyone got stuff but no one went overboard. We didn't see Stephanie and Matt the whole time we were there, that's just how big the outlet mall was.
When we first started shopping, I discovered that Cory had a whole in one of his new t-shirts (the one he had bought at Aquatica) and this made him quite upset. So we spent most of the day in search of a similar t-shirt. We didn't have any luck so we stopped into the smaller outlet to look some more. He managed to find a similar t-shirt and he settled for that.
We didn't have time to go back to the house as Blue Man Group was on the agenda for the evening. We had planned to go to supper at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville at Universal's City Walk before the show. Cory, Cameron and I weren't planning to go to Blue Man Group because Cory and I had seen the show in Boston a few years ago. However, Pern wasn't feeling well, so Cory and I went to the show while Pern and Chantel took Cameron home. Supper was pretty good and Cameron and Cory had balloon animals made for them. Cameron got a parrot and Cory got a monkey. Cameron also had a real parrot sit on his arm which was cute.
Cory, Stephanie, Matt and myself went to Blue Man Group for 8pm. Since Cory and I had seen the show before, we knew what to expect and it was very similar to the show in Boston. We all enjoyed the show, although we could have done without the crazy girl sitting behind us. She was very loud and apparently had seen the show multiple times. After the show we headed for home. We didn't get home until 11pm and we were pretty tired.
So, it's time to call it a night and get rested up for our big day at Disney's Hollywood Studios tomorrow. We are planning for a long day so that we can stay to see the Fantasmic show, which is supposed to be pretty awesome.
Today is Thanksgiving in Canada but there was no turkey for us. We decided to take a break from the parks today so we all went shopping. We went to a very large outlet mall and spent a little money ;) Everyone got stuff but no one went overboard. We didn't see Stephanie and Matt the whole time we were there, that's just how big the outlet mall was.
When we first started shopping, I discovered that Cory had a whole in one of his new t-shirts (the one he had bought at Aquatica) and this made him quite upset. So we spent most of the day in search of a similar t-shirt. We didn't have any luck so we stopped into the smaller outlet to look some more. He managed to find a similar t-shirt and he settled for that.
We didn't have time to go back to the house as Blue Man Group was on the agenda for the evening. We had planned to go to supper at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville at Universal's City Walk before the show. Cory, Cameron and I weren't planning to go to Blue Man Group because Cory and I had seen the show in Boston a few years ago. However, Pern wasn't feeling well, so Cory and I went to the show while Pern and Chantel took Cameron home. Supper was pretty good and Cameron and Cory had balloon animals made for them. Cameron got a parrot and Cory got a monkey. Cameron also had a real parrot sit on his arm which was cute.
Cory, Stephanie, Matt and myself went to Blue Man Group for 8pm. Since Cory and I had seen the show before, we knew what to expect and it was very similar to the show in Boston. We all enjoyed the show, although we could have done without the crazy girl sitting behind us. She was very loud and apparently had seen the show multiple times. After the show we headed for home. We didn't get home until 11pm and we were pretty tired.
So, it's time to call it a night and get rested up for our big day at Disney's Hollywood Studios tomorrow. We are planning for a long day so that we can stay to see the Fantasmic show, which is supposed to be pretty awesome.
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