As many of you most likely are already aware, we are expecting our second child. Last week we decided it was time to share the exciting news with our family friends. To be honest, I wanted to wait a few more weeks but Cory simply couldn't wait any longer. I ordered the cutest big brother t-shirt online for Cameron for our big announcement and the day that the t-shirt arrived in the mail Cory thought we should just tell everyone our news!
I took a picture of Cameron wearing his new big brother t-shirt and emailed it to my parents. I called to tell them that I was sending a picture that I thought that they would like so that they would check for it right away. While my parents were viewing their email, we were chatting with Cory's parents on Skype so Cameron modeled his t-shirt for them. Our parents were very surprised with our news and also very excited.
You see, we had convinced our family and friends that we had no intention of having another baby. Little did they know that we had decided over a year ago that we would have one more when the time was right. Last fall we decided that we wanted to take Cameron on a really fun vacation before we added to our family. Disney World in Orlando, FL was obviously our choice and we had decided that once we went on our family vacation we would be ready for baby number 2. To our surprise, I discovered I was expecting just one week after our return from Florida and of course we were very excited!
I am almost 9 weeks, so it is still very early but everything seems to be going well so far. I feel very similar to when I was pregnant with Cameron. I don't have any morning sickness but I sure do have afternoon AND evening sickness almost daily! I've been a little tired as well, but overall I really can't complain. Cameron is having a little difficulty understanding the whole concept of a new baby in the family and that he's going to be a big brother but I'm sure he'll start to understand soon.
A funny thing happened the other night actually. Cameron gave me a big hug and squeezed me so tightly. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling the best (a little queasy) so I just asked him not to squeeze too hard because my belly was feeling a little sick. He then questioned as to why my belly felt sick and I reminded him that there is a baby growing in my belly. He gave me a funny look and then asked to see my belly so I lifted my shirt so that he could take a look at my belly. Obviously, there is nothing to see and I'm certainly not showing. He took a look anyway and informed me that he couldn't see the baby and then he put his ear to my belly and told me that he couldn't hear the baby. I thought this was pretty cute and then he looked up at me and said, "I guess the baby is sleeping."
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