Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm Back!!!!!

Yes, I'm still here. I can't believe that seven months have passed since I last blogged. Where does the time go? Oh yes, that's right...life sometimes takes over and gives me little time to sit down and gather my thoughts, let alone blog about what's been going on. I know I've said this before but I am going to try to blog on a much more regular basis. Seriously, I'm actually going to make the time...even if that means that the laundry and dishes have to wait! I spend so much time every day making sure that everyone is looked after and that the house is clean and tidy that I often forget to make time for myself. I mean, I do take the time to shower and get dressed every morning but I'm usually forced to do it at lightning speed because someone needs me to do something. Wow, I hope that doesn't sound like I'm complaining (too much) because I love my husband and children but I also know I need to take a little time for myself each day.

So, here I am typing like a wild woman while Cory is at work, Cadence is passed out on the living room floor, and Cameron is still at school...although, I have to leave to go pick Cameron up in 10 minutes. The time just flies by every single day! Despite the fact that I got my morning wake-up call from my beautiful little darling, Cadence, at 5:20am, I still don't feel that I'm accomplished too much today. By the time I got Cadence back to sleep this morning, it was time to get showered and start my day. Cory had to be reminded that he had to actually get out of bed to start his day and Cameron had to be woken up to get ready for school. Before I knew it, it was 9am and it was just me and my baby girl at home...oh and Radar. I'll explain Radar in my next post. I ran a couple of errands midday and then came home and tried to make lunch for myself but it took until almost 2pm because Cadence couldn't decide whether she was content to play, sleep or eat so I kept getting interrupted.

And now it's time to bundle up the baby and go get Cameron at school. It seems like such a chore now that winter has arrived. It was so much easier on those warm, sunny days in September but now it's like a big project to get the baby ready just to drive the two blocks to the school to pick up Cameron...thank goodness he only has kindergarten every second day!

Okay, Cadence is now awake and crying and I have to get her bundled up and go pick up the boy at school. I promise, I'll be back again...soon :)

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