Saturday, November 26, 2011

"I'm not ridiculous, I'm just a kid!"

Although, our darling son is 5 years old, he still has frequent temper tantrums. Now, the tantrums are not nearly as bad as they once were but I personally think it's time for them to happen a lot less often! LOL! I know, I know...wishful thinking.

I think the issue with Cameron is that he's just a little too hard on himself. He gets so upset when things don't go right on the first or second attempt...this includes anything from practicing his printing to playing a game. He is getting better with time and I think it may just be a maturity thing so I'm hopeful that these little fits will slowly disappear. I'm okay with one every now and then but not about silly things. Each time Cameron has a tantrum we take the time to explain that it's not appropriate behaviour and that he needs to walk away and take a break instead of getting so upset.

So, tonight he was playing a game on the computer and got soooo mad when he couldn't get passed a certain level. Cory and I were both sitting at the table with him and tried to calm him down and explain that this wasn't something to get so upset over. Cameron then proceeded to "cry" and force a couple of tears out. It was actually quite funny. I suggested that if he could squeeze out a few more tears, that we could collect them in a jar. This was a trick my aunt used on me when I was little and I usually stopped my little tantrum and wiped up my tears pretty quickly. I also told Cameron he was being ridiculous and he responded with, "I'm not ridiculous, I'm just a kid!" It was we laughed...Cameron ran from the table...and we laughed some more! We're horrible parents, I know!

After he calmed down, we suggested he go have a shower to help him relax. I can now hear him in the shower and he's happy as can be! What a boy!

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