Saturday, November 26, 2011

"I'm not ridiculous, I'm just a kid!"

Although, our darling son is 5 years old, he still has frequent temper tantrums. Now, the tantrums are not nearly as bad as they once were but I personally think it's time for them to happen a lot less often! LOL! I know, I know...wishful thinking.

I think the issue with Cameron is that he's just a little too hard on himself. He gets so upset when things don't go right on the first or second attempt...this includes anything from practicing his printing to playing a game. He is getting better with time and I think it may just be a maturity thing so I'm hopeful that these little fits will slowly disappear. I'm okay with one every now and then but not about silly things. Each time Cameron has a tantrum we take the time to explain that it's not appropriate behaviour and that he needs to walk away and take a break instead of getting so upset.

So, tonight he was playing a game on the computer and got soooo mad when he couldn't get passed a certain level. Cory and I were both sitting at the table with him and tried to calm him down and explain that this wasn't something to get so upset over. Cameron then proceeded to "cry" and force a couple of tears out. It was actually quite funny. I suggested that if he could squeeze out a few more tears, that we could collect them in a jar. This was a trick my aunt used on me when I was little and I usually stopped my little tantrum and wiped up my tears pretty quickly. I also told Cameron he was being ridiculous and he responded with, "I'm not ridiculous, I'm just a kid!" It was we laughed...Cameron ran from the table...and we laughed some more! We're horrible parents, I know!

After he calmed down, we suggested he go have a shower to help him relax. I can now hear him in the shower and he's happy as can be! What a boy!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


So...I am in need of a new pair of boots to keep my tender tootsies warm. I have been wanting a pair of Uggs for a while now and I'm pretty close to convincing myself that I should get them very, very soon. I have asked my friends who have these comfy boots how they like them and the general consensus is that everyone LOVES these boots! Now, normally I wouldn't be considering getting these boots but they will actually be a Christmas gift from my wonderful parents. I can't wait to go shopping for my new boots. I just have to decide which ones I like the best.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


So, we have a temporary addition to our family these days...Radar. Radar is a 10 year old German Shepherd and he is a retired police dog. Basically, the Radar's owner is sick and Radar needs a temporary home. Cory is interested in the police dog section for work so this is a bit of test to see how he does with a retired dog. Obviously, there is a big difference between a retired police dog and a working police dog but it is still a good experience for all of us. We all love dogs and Radar is a very good dog so he's fitting in wonderfully.

Radar absolutely loves Cory! He sits at the door and cries when Cory goes anywhere without him. Once he finally realizes that Cory isn't coming right back he ends up spending most of the day asleep on his bed in our bedroom until Cory gets home from work. I think part of the dog's plan is to rest up all day so that he can play all evening! For a 10 year old dog, Radar is full of energy and super playful. He would play with his ball ALL DAY LONG, if someone would play with him.

My only complaints about the dog is that he sheds so I am forced to vacuum every single day and he snores at nighttime! Otherwise, he is great and I actually like having him around. Although, this is a bit of a trial for Cory in regard to the police dog section, having Radar around is completely different from what it will be like with a working dog. Radar is just like any other pet, perhaps trained much better than most but a pet just the same. A working dog will not be like a pet at all. Cory could get his first puppy to train as early as next spring and that would be the first of probably 3 or 4 puppies. When the time comes, that puppy will not be like a part of the our family and I think that will take some getting used to. On the upside, Cory is responsible for everything for these dogs...taking them for walks, playing, letting them outside, baths,'s great!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cadence Avery

Another reason I haven't been around too much lately is that our baby girl arrive on June 28, 2011. Cadence Avery was 7 lbs 10 3/4 oz and she was/is absolutely perfect! I figure she at least deserves her very own blog post ;) She is such a good baby and we are blessed to have her in our family. Although, I have to admit, there have been days that I've asked myself, "What were were thinking?" Cameron turned 5 on June 25th and Cadence was born 3 days later. Having your children 5 years apart does have it's challenges but it also has it's benefits. Cameron is such a great help. Cadence simply adores Cameron and he can keep her amused so that I can get things done.

One of the hardest parts of having a new baby in the house in the early weeks was the lack of sleep! Thankfully, by the time Cadence was 7 weeks old she was sleeping through the night...most nights. She is an excellent sleeper now but we do have the odd middle of the night feeding every couple of weeks. I try not to complain though because I know just how lucky we are. However, a napper she is not...well, she likes catnaps. For the most part she has 3 or 4 short (30 min) naps throughout the day but lately she's been starting to have one longer nap during the day. She also likes to stay up late (11pm-midnight) and then sleep in (9am-10am). I really need to try to change her routine but it's proving to be difficult.

All in all, she is perfect and I wouldn't change a thing. Our family is now more babies for us ;)

I'm Back!!!!!

Yes, I'm still here. I can't believe that seven months have passed since I last blogged. Where does the time go? Oh yes, that's sometimes takes over and gives me little time to sit down and gather my thoughts, let alone blog about what's been going on. I know I've said this before but I am going to try to blog on a much more regular basis. Seriously, I'm actually going to make the time...even if that means that the laundry and dishes have to wait! I spend so much time every day making sure that everyone is looked after and that the house is clean and tidy that I often forget to make time for myself. I mean, I do take the time to shower and get dressed every morning but I'm usually forced to do it at lightning speed because someone needs me to do something. Wow, I hope that doesn't sound like I'm complaining (too much) because I love my husband and children but I also know I need to take a little time for myself each day.

So, here I am typing like a wild woman while Cory is at work, Cadence is passed out on the living room floor, and Cameron is still at school...although, I have to leave to go pick Cameron up in 10 minutes. The time just flies by every single day! Despite the fact that I got my morning wake-up call from my beautiful little darling, Cadence, at 5:20am, I still don't feel that I'm accomplished too much today. By the time I got Cadence back to sleep this morning, it was time to get showered and start my day. Cory had to be reminded that he had to actually get out of bed to start his day and Cameron had to be woken up to get ready for school. Before I knew it, it was 9am and it was just me and my baby girl at home...oh and Radar. I'll explain Radar in my next post. I ran a couple of errands midday and then came home and tried to make lunch for myself but it took until almost 2pm because Cadence couldn't decide whether she was content to play, sleep or eat so I kept getting interrupted.

And now it's time to bundle up the baby and go get Cameron at school. It seems like such a chore now that winter has arrived. It was so much easier on those warm, sunny days in September but now it's like a big project to get the baby ready just to drive the two blocks to the school to pick up Cameron...thank goodness he only has kindergarten every second day!

Okay, Cadence is now awake and crying and I have to get her bundled up and go pick up the boy at school. I promise, I'll be back again...soon :)