Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Shopping with Cameron

I couldn't tell you that last time that we went shopping without Cameron. Due to our geographical location, I can't just go out for an hour to do a little shopping because it takes an hour just to get to Walmart! So, every week or so we venture into Yorkton (usually as a family but sometimes just me and Cameron) to do our shopping. Walmart is Cameron's favorite store so it's usually a must that we stop in and we rarely leave without buying something.

Lately, we've been starting to pick up things for the new baby that will be arriving in a few months. We've decided that it's important to allow Cameron to be a part of picking out things for the baby. He usually only wants to pick out baby toys but that is okay because she will need some toys. However, this week on our trip into Yorkton Cameron surprised us with what he picked out for the baby. As we were perusing through the baby section at Walmart, Cameron spots a little Tinker Bell bathing suit. He stands and checks it out for a moment and then picks up the smallest one on the rack and puts it in the cart. I asked him what he was doing and he replied, "Well, the little girl is going to need a bathing suit for when we go swimming at a hotel." I wasn't so sure that we needed to make such a purchase just yet so I put the cute little bathing suit back on the rack. Cameron looked at me like I was crazy and immediately put it back in the cart. Again, I put it back on the rack and again, Cameron put it back in the cart. Of course, by now Cameron thinks this is a pretty funny game. I then asked if the bathing suit was what he wanted to get for his baby sister and he said yes. So, we bought the Tinker Bell bathing suit and I'm sure our little girl will be super cute in it!

Cameron is "handsome"!

Cameron is always saying funny things but unfortunately, I usually can't even remember half of them. One thing that has struck me funny lately is the fact that he no longer appreciates being called "cute". I used to tell him all the time that he was "cute". However, that has come to an end at his request and if I mistakenly call him cute, he corrects me very quickly. For those of you who don't know, according to Cameron only babies are "cute"! He is not a baby and therefore does not want to be told he is cute anymore. I have been informed that it is acceptable to call little boys "handsome".

I suppose this is just one of the many quirky things my son will tell me as he continues to grow. I can't believe that he will be 5 years only in just a few short months. Where has the time gone? He definitely is turning into a handsome little man though and he entertains us daily with the silly things that he says and does :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dear Spring...Where are you??

I've always said that I was meant to live in a warmer climate and I will continue to stick with this theory. It's not that I dislike everything about the winter months but I really don't think that it is necessary for winter to last so long. I think one month of snow and colder weather would be sufficient. And when I say colder, I mean nothing colder than about -10 degrees Celsius!

I spent the first 30 years of my life dealing with the damp, cold winters in PEI and I've spent the past 3 years dealing with the insane cold in SK. I still have yet to determine which is worse. I don't miss the abundance of crazy snow that PEI gets but I'm also not a fan of the incredible cold windchill in SK. Also, PEI winters don't seem to last as long. In PEI, there is generally autumn weather to get you used to the idea the winter is on it's way but that doesn't seem to be the case in SK. The weather in SK seems to pretty much go directly from summer to winter. Okay, that's a slight exaggeration...SK does get 1-2 weeks of autumn weather before the snow and cold hits!

So, we've endured approximately 5 months of snow and extremely cold temperatures here in SK this winter and I am more than ready for it to be over. Spring can arrive any day now. We were teased earlier this week by warmer temperatures and melting snow only to wake up one morning with more freshly fallen snow. I will say that the temperatures have been more tolerable over the past week ago and I pray that we don't fall back into a deep freeze anytime soon.

I am confident that the spring weather will eventually arrive...even though the calendar says that today is the first official day of spring. It definitely didn't appear or feel like a spring day in SK today. It was snowing and the roads were terrible for travel. Luckily, I didn't have to leave the house but I am also getting tired of being stuck in the house. So, I will continue to hope for sunshine and warmer temperature and I look forward to watching the snow melt.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Cravings are a big part of my life these days. Obviously, we all have cravings at times but they seem to be even more abundant during pregnancy. I'm happy to report that the majority of my cravings are for healthy foods but I do still crave junk food at times too.

Throughout my pregnancy my main cravings have been for fruit...oranges, pears, apples, grapes, strawberries, etc. I also can't get enough orange juice! It's definitely been a positive change to my normal eating habits. Although, I do still crave and enjoy chips and other tasty treats on occasion. Lately, I've also begun to crave baked goods...uh-oh! Luckily, I don't indulge in this too often or I would be growing out of my clothes at a much more rapid pace. I have to admit though that I have found a love for such things at chocolate chip Eggo waffles and Pillsbury toaster strudel...so yummy for a treat.

So, I think it's safe to say that I have a developed a bit of a sweet tooth during this pregnancy. The old myth says that it is common to crave sweet foods if you are having a girl and I guess this myth has proven to be true to me!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hmmmm...Where have I been???

So, it seems that I have disappeared from the blogging world for a bit. Oops! It certainly wasn't my intention to ignore my blog and I'd love to say that I've just been too busy but in all honesty, I really have no excuses. I have thought of blogging many days and then I seem to get distracted...usually by the couch that is calling my name! I will try to do a little recap of what's been happening since my last post but I can't promise it will be too exciting because my memory is not the greatest these days and I do have an excuse for that one...baby brain!

Something tells me that January wasn't an overly exciting month. It was definitely very cold, that is impossible to forget. Cory was busy with work,. Cameron started going to pre-school twice a week instead of just once, and I went through a bit of a growth spurt! Yes, the baby belly finally popped out and it was no secret that I had a bun in the oven. I think we also had a day trip to Regina sometime in January to do a little shopping.

February was much like January...COLD! Cory's detachment hosted their 3rd annual RCMP Regimental Ball in February so we got all dressed up and had a night out with just adults. Again, this month wasn't too exciting either. I'm sure there are lots of funny stories that I could share with you but I just can't remember them now. I really should try to write things down for when I do have time or well, remember to blog. Oh, and my belly has continued to increase in size :)

So, here we are in the middle of March already. I do seem to be able to remember a little more about this month...most likely because it's only half over! We had a day trip to Saskatoon at the first of the month to do a little shopping and just to get out of Sturgis for a day. Last week was an eventful week for us. I went for my second ultrasound at 23 weeks and we found out that we are having a baby GIRL! We were surprised and very excited with this news. We also went to a wedding in Regina this past weekend. One of Cory's co-workers got married and we spend the whole weekend in Regina. I was very excited to finally know the gender of our baby so I did some shopping for baby stuff while we were away. I have to admit, I found it a bit overwhelming in the girl's section of the store at first. There is just so much more to choose from than there is for boys.

I do have a story from when I was shopping in Regina. As I have mentioned, I am gradually increasing in size but that is what is supposed to happen when you are pregnant. I should also mention that I have not gained an excessive amount of weight and I'm not even close to being as big as I was during my first pregnancy at this stage. Anyway, I was shopping at The Bay and was making my purchase at the cash. While I was paying, the cashier was chatting away to me of course. I was buying a pink blanket with satin trim so she says to me, "Oh, you're having a little girl!?" Which I obviously respond with, "Yes." She's then looking me over and asks when I'm due. When I tell her that I am due the first week of July, she then says, "Are you sure you're not having twins?!?!" Seriously!!! Why do people say things like that?? I politely said, "No!" This woman was not the first to comment on my size and I've been nice up until now. However, I can't promise that I will continue to be polite with the inappropriate comments about my size as my pregnancy progresses :) It was kind of funny though.

That pretty much sums up what's been going on. We're really not too exciting but Cameron is pretty entertaining with the things he says and does so I am truly going to try to keep note of these things so that I can blog more often! I promise!