Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dear Spring...Where are you??

I've always said that I was meant to live in a warmer climate and I will continue to stick with this theory. It's not that I dislike everything about the winter months but I really don't think that it is necessary for winter to last so long. I think one month of snow and colder weather would be sufficient. And when I say colder, I mean nothing colder than about -10 degrees Celsius!

I spent the first 30 years of my life dealing with the damp, cold winters in PEI and I've spent the past 3 years dealing with the insane cold in SK. I still have yet to determine which is worse. I don't miss the abundance of crazy snow that PEI gets but I'm also not a fan of the incredible cold windchill in SK. Also, PEI winters don't seem to last as long. In PEI, there is generally autumn weather to get you used to the idea the winter is on it's way but that doesn't seem to be the case in SK. The weather in SK seems to pretty much go directly from summer to winter. Okay, that's a slight exaggeration...SK does get 1-2 weeks of autumn weather before the snow and cold hits!

So, we've endured approximately 5 months of snow and extremely cold temperatures here in SK this winter and I am more than ready for it to be over. Spring can arrive any day now. We were teased earlier this week by warmer temperatures and melting snow only to wake up one morning with more freshly fallen snow. I will say that the temperatures have been more tolerable over the past week ago and I pray that we don't fall back into a deep freeze anytime soon.

I am confident that the spring weather will eventually arrive...even though the calendar says that today is the first official day of spring. It definitely didn't appear or feel like a spring day in SK today. It was snowing and the roads were terrible for travel. Luckily, I didn't have to leave the house but I am also getting tired of being stuck in the house. So, I will continue to hope for sunshine and warmer temperature and I look forward to watching the snow melt.

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