Thursday, January 28, 2010


Well, another week is almost over and I was getting excited for Thursday night TV. However, after searching the guide I have discovered that pretty much everything is a repeat tonight...boooo to that! Cory's working nights so I'll probably end up watching a girly movie and I'm okay with that.

Not much has been happening here in Sturgis lately. We've been staying pretty close to home for the most part. Last week we took Cameron skating for the first time this year and he did much better than last year. Last year he couldn't stand up at all but he's getting better at pulling himself into a standing position and actually standing for a minute. He's also starting to listen to us when we tell him to take little steps. There were other kids at the rink last week and Cameron was frustrated because he just wanted to be able to skate like them. I'm hoping we might get him out skating again on the weekend.

This past weekend we got an abundance of snow between Friday night and Sunday afternoon. We've pretty lucky with the mild weather and I guess that's why we ended up with a snow storm of sorts. It was slightly comparable to a PEI storm but definitely not the same. Cameron and I went out to play in the snow on Sunday and he had a blast while I did some shoveling. I considered it my work-out for the day and that it was...I was sore for the next three days! After our snowfall on the weekend the outdoor temperature took a big drop so we're back in a semi-deep freeze once again. I knew we'd have more cold to deal with this winter. I wasn't so naive to think that the worst was over.

Monday evening I actually got out of the house by myself for a few hours to watch The Bachelor with the girls. I must say I find this season of The Bachelor somewhat's crazy how Jake is getting rid of women so fast but I like that he doesn't keep them around when he's already decided they aren't the one. However, I truly despise Vienna...I think there is something very strange about her and she drives me nuts. I do like Ali but I'm not convinced that she's totally compatible with Jake either. I think in the end he'll pick someone but I also think that the relationship will not last, which is too bad because Jake seems like a wonderful person...and easy on the eyes too!

I'm not sure if I mentioned this in an earlier blog entry or not but I've finally had enough of my lets say...fluffy figure so I joined Weight Watchers on January 4th. My official weigh day is Monday of each week and as of this past Monday I was down 9 pounds in 3 weeks. I have set a goal for myself to lose a total of 30 pounds by June 1st, which is when I'll be getting ready to travel to PEI for vacation. (Can I call it vacation when I don't actually work?) So, I think I'm off to a pretty good start. Although, I still have 21 pounds to go, strangely I'm not scared by that. When Cameron was six months old I weight a whopping 187 pounds and I finally decided to join WW and start exercising. I was determined and in six months I lost a total of 40 pounds and managed to keep it off for a while. I regret to say that I've put some of this weight back on since moving to SK and I am determined to lose what I've gained and more to finally reach my goal. I know it will not be without many challenges but I'm up for a challenge and I've got some great support from family and friends. So, over the coming weeks and months I will keep you updated on my weight loss and and challenges I've faced and had to overcome. I'll share one challenge with you now. The other day we went to Yorkton for groceries and we decided to have supper at Wendy's. All I wanted to eat was a Baconnator and fries! I could have indulged and got what I really wanted but instead I got a baked potato and chili, which was surprisingly very yummy. I was pleased with my decision and even more so that when I was done eating I didn't feel disgusting from the greasy Baconnator that I had wanted so badly. I guess I do have some will-power hidden inside of me somewhere ;)

Until next time...

Monday, January 18, 2010

And...I've been slacking again. Oops!

I definitely haven't been keeping our blog updated on a regular basis. I really don't have a reason but here I am and I'm going to try to update at least once a week. I'm sure there a lots of things I could share with you from the past couple of weeks but unfortunately I just can't remember everything...LOL.

For the most part Cameron has been keeping us entertained on a daily basis. He says and does the funniest things some times. However, he does have quite an attitude at times but we're working on that one.

This past weekend the three of us went to Regina. We left home early Friday morning and didn't get back home until Saturday evening. Originally, we had just planned to go for the day but I decided it would be fun for Cameron if we spent the night. We stayed at a hotel with a great pool and a big water slide. We took Cameron swimming Friday afternoon and after an hour in the pool, we finally had to bribe him to get him out of the pool. We told him we'd take him to Walmart if he went back to the hotel room and had a shower. Walmart is Cameron's favorite store! On Saturday we had a big surprise for Cameron...we took him to his very first movie at a movie theatre! We went to see Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel and it was really fun. Cameron was in awe and completely speechless when he saw the huge screen that he was about to watch a movie on. We were glad he enjoyed it and all went well because it was the most expensive movie we've ever seen...$28.50 for our tickets to get in and $24.47 for our snacks for a grand total of $52.97 for the three of us to see one movie! We also did a little shopping while we were in the city but not too much. I got a dress to wear to the RCMP ball that Cory's detachment is hosting in February and Cory got a travel case for his golf clubs.

That pretty much sums up what's been happening lately. From now on I will be making more of an effort to update more often.

Until next time...

Friday, January 8, 2010

We're still here!

I guess I've been slacking on keeping this blog updated! Well, of course lots has happened over the past couple of weeks but there's no way I'll remember everything so I'll try to hit on some of the highlights.

I guess I'll start with Christmas, since it was definitely the biggest event that occurred over the past couple of weeks. Let me start by saying we had a wonderful Christmas holiday. It was wonderful to have Jerome and Shirley here with us, although we still missed the rest of our family in PEI. Cameron had an awesome Christmas and he even had a very special visit by Santa himself on Christmas Eve. It was truly amazing to see how excited he was to see Santa at our door. Santa explained that he was able to stop in for a few minutes to give him one special gift and the rest of the surprises would be there for Cameron in the morning. It was really fun for all of us to see...including our family in PEI who watched via webcam. I'll not go into all the specific details of the gifts and that sort of thing but as usual we all did pretty well and probably got more than we needed...even though we didn't go overboard.

I think Jerome and Shirley had a pretty relaxing visit with us. They now understand that there really isn't anything to do in Sturgis...especially during the cold, cold winter. Cameron and I took Jerome and Shirley to Saskatoon the afternoon of New Year's Eve as their flight was leaving early on New Year's Day. We went to Tony Roma's for supper and it was super yummy and then we headed over to the hotel to hang out for the evening and watch the Canada vs. USA hockey game. We called it an early night but the noise in the hotel kept us awake for most of the night. Cameron and I dropped Jerome and Shirley at the airport before 6:30am and then went to Denny's for breakfast. I thought it was important to have a nice breakfast before starting our 3 hour drive back to Sturgis so early in the morning ;)

Those are probably the highlights...nothing too exciting. We're now back into our normal routines, which unfortunately isn't all that exciting either. Cory's back to work, Cameron started back to nursery school this and me, well, it's just the same ole same ole.

Cory and I didn't make any New Year's resolutions per se but we have made the commitment to eat healthier and be more active. We started just this past Monday and we're doing well so far but it certainly isn't without challenges. We always eat healthy meals, it's our snacking that kills us. We're both finding it hard when we sit down in the evening after Cameron goes to bed to keep from eating. Why is that watching TV and eating seem to go so well together? Cory admitted that he's finding it hard not to do so much snacking and I wish he'd stop completely because I think that might help me. Overall we're doing well so far though. I'll keep you posted on how we're doing.

It's getting late so...until next time.