Thursday, December 10, 2009

Baking, baking and more baking

For the past few days I have been quite busy doing my Christmas baking. My goal is to the majority of my baking completed before the weekend. So far I have made 6 dozen peanut butter cups, 11 dozen ginger cookies, 2 lemon poppy seed cakes, Skor fudge, and a pan of Rice Krispie squares. I currently have a big bowl of peanut butter ball mixture sitting in the fridge. I had planned to roll my balls tonight but I got I'll roll them in the morning and dip them in chocolate in the afternoon. Of course, this is just the first batch of peanut butter balls and I believe there will be 2 more batches to follow because they are both mine and Cory's favorite treat. I'm also hoping to make almond bark tomorrow and I "might" attempt peanut brittle...but that didn't do so well last year. I'm also hoping to make sugar cookies in various fun shapes (I bought new cookie cutters this week) and I plan to take them to Cameron's Christmas party at nursery school next week.

Speaking of nursery school, Cameron was bouncing on Wednesday morning when Cory told him he had school. He just loves going to's too bad it's only 2 hours a week. This week they made wreaths, with a little help I think, and Cameron was very proud of his craft. I managed to hide it from him so it has yet to be destroyed. Here's a pic.

Cory went back to the doctor this week and got the OK to go back to regular duties at work and Cory was very happy about this. I think he was getting tired of not being able to much other than sit at a desk all day. He almost seemed excited to get up and get ready for work on Wednesday morning because he actually got to put his uniform on. I found it kind of funny.

What's also funny is that Cory is in need of a hair cut but he never calls in advance and ends up having to wait longer to get into the hairdresser. You'd think he'd learn but he hasn't yet...until today maybe. So, I guess Cory decided he just go to one of the barber's in Canora for a trim. Well, I bought clippers and cut Cameron's hair myself this week and it turned out pretty well...Cory should have let me trim his hair because it would have looked a whole lot better. I mean, it's like a train wreck...I couldn't stop staring when he came home from work today. It's really, really BAD!!! I asked him what happened to his hair and his response was, "I have an appointment next week to get it fixed." He was also not impressed with his "trim". Did I mention how bad it is? Wow! For those of you who know Cory, you know how much he cares about how his hair looks. So, I figured he'd be able to hide the nasty hair cut with a hat but the hat doesn't even hide how bad it is. The "barber" cut Cory's hair WAY too short in the back...wait, I mean shaved it WAY too short in the back. It just looks ridiculous. I guess I should stop now, he may be a little upset if he knows I put this info about his hair on here. Oh dear, hopefully it will grow fast.

Well, it's getting late and I should be getting a little shut eye...after I watch some more TV of course!

Until next time...


  1. What, no pictures of Cory's lovely haircut? LOL

  2. I think he forgot to mention that when he called....

    Craig wonders if he went to Nick the Butcher?

    *** This post is useless without pictures*** says Craig

  3. LOL! It's really just the back of his hair...Marvin cut it up too short in the back. I didn't try to take a picture but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't let me anyway.
